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Old 05-05-2021, 04:09 AM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 50
Default The educational hiking trip part 1

part 1 boys in nature

Growing up on the countryside is a thrill especially when you are into hiking. At fifteen, I had a few friends that would join me on my hikes in the mountains. Patrick, and George were fourteen years old and regulars on the weekly hikes in nature. Usually we left around 10 Am taking enough food and drinks to last the day. We would usually follow trails that followed the riverbed, so we had plenty of options to cool down whenever we got hot. Me being the oldest and having the most experience, usually arranged for the trips.

We were good friends. Went to the same school and were a nice team, we had known eachother from the first time we started this school. (around eleven, twelve for me) so we kind of grew up together, including some fun times exploring our maturation. Lately however I noticed that we became a bit more conscious of our bodies, so besides skinnydipping in the river which was second nature to us it didn't get to experimenting much more these days.

The summer of them catching up to my fifteen years of age, they finally got their parents autorisation to go hiking for more than just a day, and go for a real hike, including taking a tent for a few overnights in the mountains.

Of course we had to prepare some serious backpacks, and in order not to have to carry to much weight, we decided on one tent for all three of us with two sleepingbags we could share, a large amount of canned and dried food, aswell as a small burner to cook. George then added a digital camera he got for his birthday in order to capture our exploits. All prepared we set out early in the morning in order to be far from society by the time we would stop for lunch. I had set up u nice hike, again following the river with several nice camping spots I knew.

George wanted to test out his new camera so he suggested to make it a nice compilation of three friends going into the wild. Sort of a documentary of youth in the country. We all agreed that would be nice. For the first shot he used the timer to make a shot off us three ready to go, with in the back of the frame, the mountains we were gonna conquer. And off we went.

The first two hours we were just hiking the trail while chatting. George would take some shots from time to time, and not to be left out of the frames, he would pass the camera to one of us too. By then it was around 10 AM so we decided to take a break when we found a nice spot. Patrick started a conversation on how this documentary was bound to be a bit dull if we didn't do any special actions on this trip. Therefore we decided from time to time to take a bit of a more tempting trail, climbing trees or rocks in order to get to a next point. Using our climbing ropes we made the trail a lot more challenging, daring eachother.

We took our time but finally came to a known spot by the river where we often relaxed on previous hikes, ate lunch, and went swimming before returning home. However this time we were gonna go on! We did take our lunch and took a nice break first though, and looking at the map we saw a nice challenge for us. The usual trail left the river bed to go around the pond we were at, but it came back up right on the other side. So we decided to go straight through the river and pick the trail up on the other side. Of course we had to keep all our gear dry, so we decided to build a raft to take it across. It took some time but we were experienced. With the ropes and some logs we managed to build a sterdy raft. Of course we took a lot of pictures of our exploit.

Then it was time to meet the challenge. I didn't even think anything of it but when George started taking pics of me undressing to go in the water, I got a bit self-conscious. But then, I thought what the hell, we did that all the time before, so what's the biggie, and continued. I saw that Patrick followed suit. I think though all of us were aware of the kinkyness. Patrick even made a bit of a show, And once we were in our boxers, I moved to george to take the camera and said, "your turn." That's when it was clear what was in our minds, for he blushed and started to take his clothes of in a very shy way. I of course took a lot of pics. When george was down to his boxers as well we all started talking. Should we go in our boxers or just strip like we usually do? It was decided we should just like we always did so George got bold and just took his boxers off saying I don't want them wet! I of course took a nice pic of him, his dick slowly rising to semi. Then George moved to Patrick and just took hold of his boxers to pull them down as well, nice shots! I then gave the camera to Patrick and followed suit, by now showing a bit more than a semi... We all laughed.

We put all our gear on top of the raft and went in the water. The camera was waterproof so we took a few pictures crossing the pond. Once we were on the other side we just sat down next to eachother, and took some time contemplating the shots on camera we made of this challenge. We were laughing our asses off. We were across, but we took the time to enjoy the pond a bit longer and started to swim and took some pictures of eachother having fun.

Then George said, "hold on guys, I have an idea." He went over to a rock and positioned the camera on it and came back to us fooling in the water. "It has a video option too!" and he started to show off for the camera, and invited us to join him. There we were three boys standing next to eachother in all their glory.

It became around time to pick up the hike for we had a ways to go to the campsite we had in mind for the night. We took our gear, but since it was pretty hot we decided to just put on our boxers and leave the rest in our backpacks. For two hours again we made some time, just following the trail and taking pictures of the scenery. Then Patrick suddenly said, "Hold on guys i have to pee." George was real quick and got the camera and followed Patrick without him noticing and took a few pics of that. When Patrick saw him he went for him. But George said: "Just had to, it's part of the trip." He gave him the camera and said: "go for it I have to asswell." I didn't want to be left out so I went to stand next to George and let it flow, while Patrick took the pics.
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