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Old 01-22-2021, 01:03 PM   #10
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I just finished my last class of the day so I decided to give an update. Aside from a very short crop top during my classes I haven't worn anything since last night and I've honestly really enjoyed the feeling of nakedness. I decided to also follow the rule to edge once before every meal, and not orgasm until the end of my quarantine so after my workout and shower this morning I completed one edge.

My morning class wasn't too bad, even though I was only wearing the crop top I highly doubt anyone paid much attention to me, and I made sure the camera wasn't on my chest so even I went to stretch or something and revealed a little bit too much nobody would see.

For the next couple of hours not much happened other than doing work and watching tv (naked again). I got a pm that said to go outside to get my food not only naked, but also to do it blindfolded and to make sure to bend over 90° when I do. I got a knock around noon that terrified me at first but then I realized that it was lunch and dinner delivery. Since there are a lot of people in separate rooms on my hall I figured most would probably go out immediately to pick theirs up so I waited 20 minutes before going, which only built up my nerves. I grabbed a long sock that I could tied around my eyes as a blind fold, then peeked my head out into the hallway to make sure nobody was out there at the moment, and make sure I knew exactly where my food bag was. There were still some people on my hall that hadn't taken their food yet, which made be pretty nervous that they might just happen to do it at the worst possible time for me. I just the door and finally forced myself to tie the sock around my head and go outside. Even though I had just looked, and couldn't hear anybody it still felt like someone would see me bending over at the waist. I tried to force myself to go slow but I was probably only out of my door for 3-5 seconds, but I still got really excited. Before I ate lunch I did my premeal edge, which took shorter than usual due to the short adrenaline rush.

My afternoon class was so much harder than my morning one. The pm dare that I got also had a dice dare type of dare for my zoom classes that I decided to try out. I used an random number generator online and got "12. Roll two d6 and take the higher result. You'll have to spit on/inbetween your tits that many time." The two dice rolls were 2 and 1, so I had to spit down onto my chest twice with the camera on during my class. Definitely doable, but I didn't realize that it would actually be harder than I thought. Because out of the 101 people (including the instructor) in the zoom, not a single one other than me had their camera on. The typical format for these zoom calls is to have the instructor's notes taking up most of the screen, but there's also a side bar that shows 5(?) people in the class, which I'm pretty sure it prioritized based off of who has their camera on and who spoke most recently. So naturally since I'm the only one with the camera on I'm pretty sure everybody with that side bar opened would see me the entire class. I tried to stay as chill as possible and not stretch or do anything that would flash a bunch of classmates on a recorded zoom, but I had no idea when I would spit on my chest. Near the end of class I decided "now or never" so I turned the camera a little bit further upwards so only my face was visible, then pulled the crop top out a little bit, and did two quick spits. Guess I'll never know if someone noticed haha.

So those were all really nerve-wracking and exciting, so anything else to stop this from being the most excruciatingly boring weekend ever for me would be very nice!
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