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Old 01-13-2021, 09:39 PM   #65
Blue Griffin
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Post Game 1 Rewards, Punishments, and game information.

Now to our victory standings:

-Corleone91 and Ezeperalta212 as the 1st and 2nd place spots this month, you both have an offer to be one of the 10 players in the next game. If you will be busy or don't feel like playing again, you are welcome to turn down that offer and that slot will be open to the lottery pool for next month.

-Corleone91, as our first winner. It's my pleasure to reward you with this lovely trip to the first Wonder of the World, the pyramids of Egypt! Yet's not only will you get to see the sights as we fly you over there, but you will also get to cruse the Mediterranean Sea on a personal Yacht tour.

As for Smelly Melly, we also have our own gift for our contestant in last place. The stage hands take you behind a screen and start to have you change your clothes. Some chuckle as you reveal your diaper, but one says don't worry about its they bring our some other clothes. First they slide on a pair of sturdy rubber like underwear, coating it with a dash of powder on the inside. Then replace your soaked diaper with another pink and sparkly one, but instead of powdering this one, they add a heaping helping of chocolate pudding in the rear and some lemon curd in the front. Then they add another over that bulging one and a crinkly plastic cover. Firmly padded, they put on a gameshow brand shirt and add baby gloves over your hands. You look around for pants, but see any as they start to push you out in front of the crowd.

"Ah there's our baby new year." Pleas step up on to the platform. To help get you into mood we have this pie launcher set up filled with yummy baby food pies. All you have to do is stay here and take enough pies to the face to turn of the machine. Just 10 in a row with this New Years count down. Of course a baby legs might be a bit unsteady so we have a solution. A stage hand reaches down and yanks the rubber underwear into a wedgie securing it to a hook as it raises up and keep it in place. "Now looks like we won't need this." I kick the platform away leaving you dangling by the wedgie now in mid air.

Alright our target is set, the launcher is lined up, and the camera will be rolling live to help promote our show. I hope you have a great time to all the audience and players. We will have our next game next month. Will our players win lovely prizes or will all they win is heartbreak? We'll find out next time on the GetDare Gameshow!

(I walk close to Smelly and lean over. "Oh and so you know, that wasn't baby powder they used on you. That was itching powder. I hope you can keep still long enough for all those pies to hit home. Otherwise a lot of people are going to see you "enjoying" your time bouncing when its really to relieve your itch. Don't worry, it will wear off so you'll get out eventually." As I walk away the the first pie start to get ready to launch, you feel an itch in the confines of your diaper)

Application for next round:
(Lottery (if needed)/contestant list will be around the 25th. Game 2 starts Feb 1st.)

Sex (m or f)
And a brief description of your appearance/details you’d like me to know.

*Author note: I do have two bit of information for everyone in order to have full disclosure for this game. Since I want this to be a full and honest game, while writing this up it is there is a lot of random chance. When seeing what everyone got. Messy dares actually got 750 points on his first door. That would have put him in first place and the actual winner. Due to him not responding the entire game* and the 1st place finisher securing an option at a spot in the next game, I decided to change his door to leave him in the middle of the pack.

That leads us to the second bit. Dan also originally got 350 on his first door and that would have him just ahead of ezeperalta212. With this he, with the new ranking from Messy not being in first would have given him second also securing him in the next game. Now while Dan has posted the first couple of rounds, he messaged me and explained he had to focus on some personal business and that's why he hasn't respond on the back half. This being the case I change his score to drop him to 3rd.

I am sorry if anyone feels cheated in the rankings, but please note that they wouldn't have alter the bottom half. Only who got the option to stay on for the next game. Hopefully next game we won't have a repeat of this. That said thank you again to all those who have played so far, lurked, and commented. I appreciate your response and help and hope you enjoy the rest of the games.

*While I do understand life can come up and can prevent you from playing, I did check with all the players before hand to make sure you could play. That said, MESSY DARES you are blacklisted from playing for the next month for not responding. I don't enjoy doing this, but I didn't get any word from you after you confirmed.
5' 11" Straight Male.
Loves :Crossdressing, food/messy, humiliation, bra/pantie stuffing, hidden/semi-public, diapers, long dares,
Likes: Wedgies
Maybe: Bondage, line writing, corner time,
Hard limits: Pain, Poop, Pee, nudity, cum eating, anal, masturbate/edging, enemas, public, pics, hypnos, cam
Full signature here!
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