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Old 01-05-2021, 10:21 AM   #1026
Lola Bunny
Truth or Dare Junkie
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 5,317
Blog Entries: 28

As this is and ADMIN Post, it is exempt from rules, however it is breaking the following rules:
  • 3+ keywords in the same post
  • Double post rule
  • The use of the letter H
  • Using forbidden keywords

Votes will close in 24 hours (approximately 10:30am Mountain Time tomorrow). Per Kamita's request both options have ways for you to keep playing during denial time.

Option A - After the thread close date (currently scheduled for 11:59 PM, Mountain Time, on Jan 11th, but could be delayed), Lola will be placed in denial, but this thread will not be closed. However, a few rules will end as called out in this post. Some specific rules to call out as ending:
  • Double Post Days will be reduced to just Saturdays, but Lola cannot disable an additional 3 keywords during this day.
  • The rule that Bunny will be forbidden from using a letter each day will end when denial begins.
  • The RULER OF THE DAY keyword will be permanently disabled and cannot be reactivated with any powers.
Upon activation of these new rules, Lola will create a blog post outlining these rules and another outlining any debts paid and keywords ineligible for use to make it easier for players to keep up.

Rules for Disabling Keywords:
  • Lola can disable up to half of the eligible keywords she still owes in an attempt to pay them off. Should she owe an uneven amount, the number of allowed disables will be rounded down. (If she owes 9, she can only disable 4, for example). Lola can disable the same keywords as often and as frequently as she likes.
  • Once a keyword is fully paid off, it becomes permanently disabled and can not be activated again - with the exception of one power seen below.
  • The following keywords cannot be disabled or paid off permanently: VOICE, EVIL, MODIFY, or COMBO (once all other keywords are paid off, assuming Lola doesn't owe anything else in these categories, and denial days are up, they will be permanently disabled as the thread will be closed)
  • Lola stating which keywords are being disabled for the day will not count as using the keyword for counting purposes.
  • If Lola makes a mistake per the modification Kamita made, permanently disabled keywords will not be eligible for the mistake increase.
  • Once all keywords are successfully paid off, Lola will be allowed to orgasm once more and the thread will officially be over.

Rules for Counting:
  • Lola must count and report newly added keywords at midnight each night.
  • If someone added a disabled keyword, Lola can punish the poster, but still must add the keyword to her counts.
  • If someone added a permanently disabled keyword, Lola can punish the poster, and the keyword will not be added to the totals.
  • If Lola pays off the debt for a keyword prior to a count, the keyword is still considered permanently disabled and any instances of that keyword appearing between counts will not be added (but the poster is exempt from punishment in this case), even if the keyword was added prior to Lola declaring the debt paid.
  • Lola must declare in the thread that the debt is paid in order for it to be considered permanently disabled prior to any count.

Special Powers for Players:
Powers are not considered keywords. Each player can only use ONE power each day, so choose wisely. Follow the rules of the powers carefully.

Once a Day, each player can choose to invoke the following powers:
  • COUNT - This will require Lola to complete a count before she can declare any debts fully paid. This can be useful if a player feels like Lola is close to paying off a specific keyword and wants to force numbers to be added prior to Lola declaring the debt paid.
  • GOOD VIBRATIONS - If a player invokes this power, Lola must spend 30 minutes with her pulse vibrator trying not to EDGE. Any EDGEs she might reach in this time will not count toward her EDGEs for the day. (Lola can disable this power if she is not going to masturbate that day for her health.)

Once a Day, a single player can choose to invoke the following powers (first come, first served).
  • NO, NOT THAT ONE - The player using this power can prevent Lola from disabling a keyword and pick a different keyword for her to disable instead. (Stating these keywords when invoking this power will not count as using the keywords)
  • WAIT A MINUTE - The player can use this power to prevent Lola from attempting to pay off a keyword of their choosing (except for EDGE) Addendum: This power will be disabled when 3 or fewer keywords remain.

Once a week (considered to be Monday-Sunday), each player can choose to invoke the following power:
  • YOUR LIFE IS ABOUT TO SUCK - Upon invoking this power, the player can roll 1D4 and add 1 to the result (for a result of 2-5). For the next hour, the player is allowed to use as many keywords as is equal to their result. If Lola is active on getDare during that hour, she must assist by replying as quickly as she can to allow the player to post again. However, if Lola is busy working, is asleep, or otherwise engaged so she cannot assist, then she is not required to help. It is ok to ask Lola if she'll be available for the next hour prior to using this keyword.

One single time, one single player can invoke the following power. Once it is invoked, it can never be used again.
  • OH, NO! A ZOMBIE! (Cannot use on RULER or a keyword that cannot be permanently disabled until denial time is over)- The player must post which permanently disabled keyword they would like to bring back to life. If the keyword is brought back to life, Lola must pay the keyword off again from the beginning with any specific locations or rules associated with that keyword. Lola, can however, attempt to kill the Zombie by attempting a headshot (rolling a nat 20 on a D20). She can purchase up to 6 bullets to attempt to kill the Zombie at the following costs:
  • 1 bullet - Lola must increase all active keywords by 5, including the Zombie if it lives.
  • 2 bullets - Lola must increase all active keywords by 5 and the Zombie by 10 if it lives.
  • 3 bullets - Lola must increase all active keywords by 10 and the Zombie by 10 if it lives.
  • 4 bullets - Lola must increase all active keywords by 10 and the Zombie by 20 if it lives.
  • 5 bullets - Same as the cost of 4 bullets, plus the next day's allowed keywords will be doubled (2 if it would have been a single post day and 4 if it would have been a double post day).
  • 6 bullets - Lola must increase all active keywords by 20 and the Zombie by 30 if it lives. Additionally the next day's allowed keywords will be doubled (2 if it would have been a single post day and 4 if it would have been a double post day).

Lola must decide how many bullets to purchase prior to attempting to kill the Zombie.

Option B - After the thread close date (currently scheduled for 11:59 PM, Mountain Time, on Jan 11th, but could be delayed), Lola will be placed in denial, and the ability to directly add keywords will officially be closed. However, any rules put in place that might punish Bunny for mistakes will remain in play (including the banned letter rule).

RULER, VOICE, MODIFY, and COMBO can no longer be added to at all, however.

Additionally there will be new ways to increase the keyword counts as outlined below.

Resurrection -
Once a keyword is paid off, Bunny will announce in the thread that it has been fully paid and she will roll 1D100 to generate a secret number.
Once a day, each player can attempt to resurrect a keyword to be paid off a second time and must state which keyword they are trying to resurrect.
  • A player who wishes to resurrect that keyword can roll their own D100 and post the result. If the numbers match, the resurrection will be complete and Bunny will have to pay the keyword off again from the beginning.
  • Players must state which keyword they are attempting to resurrect and can only attempt one resurrection per day.
  • A keyword can only be resurrected once.
  • If all keywords are paid off and all denial time has ended, you can no longer attempt to resurrect keywords and the thread will be closed.

TV -
Once a day each player can watch up to 30 minutes of a TV program of their choosing and count how many times they hear any and all keywords. After watching for 30 minutes, the player can report back which keywords they heard and how many times they heard those keywords. If Bunny still owes on those keywords, she will add the numbers you heard to the totals she still owes.

Challenge -
Once a week (defined as Monday-Sunday) each player can issue a small challenge they don't think Bunny can complete (lasting 15 minutes or less.) If Bunny takes on the challenge, she can increase her completion report by 10 for any keyword she chooses. If Bunny also believes she cannot beat the challenge, she can choose to pass, which will increase the keyword of the player's choice by 10. If Bunny attempts the challenge but fails, the challenging player can increase three different keywords by 10 each. (If it gets to the point that fewer than three keywords are left to pay off, the 30 points will be split up between the two remaining or all 30 will go to the single remaining keyword.) Note: Violations of limits as stated in Lola's profile will cause the challenge to be ignored.

Two Eyes for an Eye, Two Teeth for a Tooth -
Once a day, each player perform a task that is outlined for Bunny to complete on themselves. They can only do this for one keyword each day. After completing their time, twice what they accomplished will be added to Lola's debt. (EDGE cannot be used in this manner). For example, a player can SNAP their right nipple with a rubber band 10 times, which would increase Lola's debt by 20.
For gender differences, the following substitutions will be accepted:
  • SLAP - hits to either cock/balls
  • TOOTHPASTE - paste added to either cock/balls
  • MOO - both cock and balls submerged in ice water

100th posts -
Each time a new post ending in 100 is created in the thread once the denial period begins, 10 will be added to each keyword that is still not paid off. Addendum: (Except for the EVIL keyword since it cannot be paid off until the game is over)

Note: Because only one of these two options can be true as written, the losing option will likely not reappear even if it's popular in the vote (though a modified version may appear.)
Female, 35 & No, I don't want to be your Mistress or your slave. I do not respond to random PMs.

Do's and Don'ts of Addressing Lola Bunny



PM Dares

Last edited by Lola Bunny; 01-05-2021 at 04:32 PM.
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