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Old 01-04-2021, 03:38 PM   #29
Join Date: May 2017
Location: East Coast
Posts: 76

Ah yes. The classic kids game! This shouldn't be that hard! Can't imagine why the prizes are so good when the games are so simple! Or so I thought...

As the game starts, I have no issues getting a chair. I do get worried at the fact that even though it's a kids game, we are playing as adults and things get way more heated! Second round fairs well for me too, but suddenly, I hear the wheels of a cart coming from off stage. "What is that?" I try to ask around me. Before I know it, everyone is looking at me from their chair. "Shit..." I say as I hear the players and audience snicker at how careless I got. As I exit the stage, one very cute stage hand whispers "you'll see what this is spoon enough" and with that, I wait out the rest of the game.

When the game is over, the host reveals the stacks of cream pies ready to be dumped on the losers! And worst part is the worse you did, the more pies you get! While working out this math, the same teasing stage hand is already approaching me with pies when I hear "8!" And splat!! The cold cream makes impact with my face. As if one wasn't enough, I feel pushed around by multiple cold pies everywhere in my body! Ass, crotch, head, chest! Everywhere! By the time the pie barrage is done I can barely hear the crowd, the host and of course, the laughing stage hand.

Not a great start...
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