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Old 01-02-2021, 03:00 AM   #22
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Posts: 667

I walk out at the start of the show nervous about the possible consequences of playing but eager and excited to win some big prizes. I get more nervous looking over the other players and seeing that most are younger and more fit I hope this doesn't get to physical I think.

Then the rules of the first game are explained and I think this won't be that bad. The music starts and I do ok in the first two rounds then have a close call in the third when I have to push that little bratty girl out of the way to stay in she seems rather upset and winy about it millennials are so thin skinned. Then in then next round I get blinded when some one knocks of my glasses by the time I recover them and can see there are no empty chairs. I try to protests that it was a dirty move and cheating but it no use and off I go to stand with the others losers. i fidget nervously as the rest of the game is played and I worry about the end of it. Then when it's finally over I see the carts being rolled out shit this can't be good I think. Griffin explains the points and then smiles as he explains the "prizes" we won and uncovers the carts of pies. Uh Oh I think not good.
Then he has several stage hands come out and surround us. I watch as 10, then 9, then 8 for that bratty little girl and shit I surround by several stage hands and shake a little stirring at the pies these things are huge. I hear SEVEN screamed out by the host and a laughing audience. And instantly I feel a cold wet pie slam into my ass. As I jump forward in reaction another one slams hard into my crotch. I gasp in shock and lean forwards and get a mouthful of pie as he head is suddenly engulfed from all four sides with 4 pies which are rub all over thoroughly smearing the cream in my hair ears and even up my nose. Then finally the last one is uncermonily slammed on top of my head showering cream down over it and on to my shoulders and chest. I desperately try to scoop cream from my face and ears hoping that we will at least be given towels to wipe up some before the next round so as not to be to handicapped by the mess. As I succeed at least partially in restoring some vision and hearing I see and hear a roaring laughter from both the host and audience and even the winner who is still holding that last pie menacingly and hear some mocking from the stands. I think what the heck have I gotten myself into that they are enjoying it so much.
wam manly food based

dislikes piss

Limits poop, cum, animal food, illegal, eating or drinking, public, naked.

I currently don't own any toys.

talk about pictures and dress but decided on a case by case bases.

What is this signature..
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