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Old 11-28-2020, 12:50 PM   #1
HappilySissy's Avatar
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Default Make me regret this!!

Hiiii, I致e seen edging threads and the like around here and they致e always seemed fun. I致e also splurged this sales season and bought this thingy (posted in picture on my profile) so I can hopefully bounce on my dildos more comfortably. And since I love chastity, rather than edging, I think I値l put my sissy pussy up for some abuse (with a little love for my gag reflex as well ).

My idea is to lock myself in chastity until I have completed all the tasks I get stored on here. Each post will count towards one of the six options below - you can specify which option you want me to do or if you just post, I値l roll a dice to decide which of the six options I do. I知 not going to count double posts, but if either thirty minutes has passed or someone else has posted since you did, feel free to torment me as much as you壇 like!

So with each post, you can assign one of the following:
1. 3 minutes bouncing on/fucking my smallest dildo (~6.5 in)
2. 2 minutes bouncing on/fucking my medium dildo (~8in)
3. 1 minute bouncing on/ fucking my largest dildo (~11 in)
4. 15 min large plug
5. 30 min with smallish/ medium plug
6. 20 deepthroats with (6.5 in) dildo OR 10 deepthroats with (8 in) dildo. (*depends on where my gag reflex is at the time*)

I知 away visiting family at the moment and am due back home in the middle of the week this week. I知 pretty much just super horny and want a good challenge to go home to. Once I get home, I値l be locking myself up and starting the tasks as soon as I can. I値l count the posts on here for about a week after this initial post (stops at 12:00 am UTC on December 6) and update the total to either a google doc or my account here - and I値l give updates as I go

Thanks for reading!
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