Thread: Dare: Cumulative AB/DL dare
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Old 10-21-2020, 01:46 AM   #5539
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Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: On stage singing in my diaper
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1. Start this potato by drinking 1L of warm water in 1 hour and wearing a diaper
2. Be in the diaper for 1 hour a line, the time starts after the first pee.
3. Must do 10 jumping jacks everytime you pee
4. Drink a glass of water after your jumping jacks
5. You may poop in the toilet but if you do then add a day of wear per line.
6. Anyone who contributed after this post must also do the dare themselves. If something is aginst their limits, they may ask the group to switch it out with something else.
7. from this post on the contributers from 7 until boomer may opt out with no punishments. However boomer must partake in this task.
8. No changes allowed for the first 24 hours diapered. May add additional diaper(s) as needed on top of current diapers and cut slits in the older diapers to allow outside diaper to fill
9. Boomer has to Make a Kik group with all of the members doing the tasks. Everyone contributing needs to send 1 Humiliating Diaper pic in that group.
10. You may ask for shorten time but if you do you must add 2L of water per day taken off (no more then half the lines in this potato) and must drink all the water within 8hours of starting this potato dare.
11. must drink from a baby bottle
12. Loser may remove as many lines as they want, but each line removed doubles the time cumulatively
13. Loser must wear a baby dress all day and footie pajamas at night and suck on a pacifier at all times.
14. 13 must be done every day in the potato's duration
15. One meal a day must be baby food.
16. Baby food must be eaten with hands
17. A bib must be worn for all meals.
18. Cannot clean off hands after eating - beware of what you touch hehe
19. Must cover face with baby food during the baby food meal.
20. Boomer can request diaper checks at any time during the dare. If not sent within 5 minutes, another punishment can be given.
21. Diaper cannot be changed after 7 pm. Enjoy possibly sleeping in a used diaper.
22. You may change your diaper after 7pm but must add 5 days per line for everytime you change between the hours of 7pm to 10am.
23. If you are not messing in your diaper, you must spend 5 minutes with your face in your diaper after a change.
24.May forego all things involving baby food, bib, and baby clothes for 2 days per line
25. May forgo #23 for 1 day per line.
26. Boomer can choose to keep baby permanently, in which case all rules become permanent rules
27. Baby may be allowed to grow up if boomer keeps baby permanently but must 6 days per line and must ask for permission to change diaper from the boomer to be free and grown up
28. Boomer still owns boomer even after they've "grown up" if they were kept permanently
29. Where appropriate, baby must talk/type in baby/toddler talk.
30. After being free from this potato, baby must post in the Trapped In Diapers thread
31. Must watch 30 minutes of kiddy cartoons per day.
32. Must do a doodle every week
33. Must drink one 10-oz bottle of baby formula a day.
34. All food must be mushed up to a baby-food-like paste
35. The person who was boomed and the boomer will be required to do all lines for the next year.
36. Loser must sleep with a stuffed animal
37. Baby cannot hold their bladder or bowels
38. Baby is only allowed to take bubble baths, not showers.
39. Bubble baths must have a feminine or babyish scent to them
40. Baby must use ample amount of baby powder in the front and back of the diaper at each diaper change.
41. Baby puts that they are Boomer's baby in their signature
42. Must take a 1-hour nap every afternoon (or evening as job may require).
43. Boomer gives Baby a new name that they must refer to themselves as
44. Baby must use diaper before getting up in the morning or up from the afternoon nap.
45. Baby must refer to themselves in 3rd person as per their new name at all times
46. Baby must be punished once per day with spankings, corner time, or mouth soaping, amount determined by the boomer.
47. Baby must keep rules documented in a blog
Ariana Grande/21/UK/Sub/1.6"/5'3
PM daes
Add to my calendar!
I am Baby Ariana the Songbird. If I do not refer to myself as this, then I must be harsly punished by you fine people.
Make me a looser in all Threads!

Claimed by Miss Poxy.
If you spot any typos or grammatical errors in my writing, PM me with a punishment!

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