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Old 10-01-2020, 10:11 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Emmyred View Post
Today's task is in a series of steps.

Step 1:
Find 10 ball-busting worthy items throughout your house.

Step 2:
Put them in alphabetical order.

Step 3:
Give yourself 25 medium/hard busts with each.

Step 4:
Put them in order from nicest to meanest.

Step 5:
Going from nicest to meanest, flip a coin. If it is on heads, you can give yourself 10 medium hits with that implement and move to the next. If tails, give yourself 25 very hard busts to just your left nut.

Step 6:
Tell us what you picked and how it went!
For my 10 items, I selected:
  • bamboo cane, 3 foot long
  • garden trowel
  • heel of high heeled shoe
  • hiking boot
  • rubber band
  • rubber mallet
  • screwdriver shaft of long, large screwdriver
  • steel ruler
  • steel water bottle, full
  • wooded spoon

Next I ranked my list by giving myself 25 medium/hard busts with each. As a result my balls were quite sore, more than I expected (perhaps they hadn't fully from doing Sandy's task the evening before). I ranked the implements nicest to meanest. Generally the meanest implements stung the most and/or had the most ball-crushing impact.

From nicest to meanest with the coin flip result for each:
  1. wooded spoon - heads: 10 medium hits
  2. garden trowel - heads: 10 medium hits
  3. steel ruler - heads: 10 medium hits
  4. heel of high heeled shoe - tails: 25 very hard busts to just your left nut
  5. hiking boot - heads:10 medium hits
  6. steel water bottle, full - tails: 25 very hard busts to just your left nut
  7. screwdriver shaft of long, large screwdriver - tails: 25 very hard busts to just your left nut
  8. rubber mallet - heads: 10 medium hits
  9. rubber band - heads: 10 medium hits
  10. bamboo cane, 3 foot long - tails: 25 very hard busts to just your left nut

The medium hits with the wooden spoon, garden trowel, and the steel ruler hurt a bit but weren't all that bad since they don't have much mass and each have a flat striking surface that spreads out the impact.

Then came the 25 very hard busts to just my left nut with the heel of a high-heeled shoe. Since my left nut is a bit smaller than the right, I tied it up separately for these hits to make it a better target. I tried to spread the hits around but there wasn't much surface to work with and the hits really hurt (and left some nice bruises on that ball).

With my left nut untied, the hiking boot was next and its weight landed solidly on both of my aching balls.

Again I tied my left nut and proceeded with the 25 very hard hits from the steel water bottle. Each hit seems to hurt exponentially more than the last and toward the end I could feel the pain radiating up into my abdomen.

With the left nut still tied, I grabbed the screwdriver by the handle and started the 25 very hard busts to my throbbing left nut. I swung the screwdriver to try to hit my nut as close to the end as possible for maximum leverage. The shaft of the screw driver was square, not round, and the pain varied depending on how the shaft landed. The screwdriver shaft pain is sort of like the pain from the handle of a wooden spoon but more intense. When the edge of the shaft hit my ball the pain radiated even further up my body that when the water bottle hit. Toward the end my left nut hurt a lot and it was a challenge to finish all 25 hits.

I untied my left nut and started the 10 medium hits with the mallet that "nicely" crushed both balls followed by 10 medium rubber band snaps, alternating between nuts. In spite of the aching from the previous busts, the sharpness of the stings from the rubber band snaps always cuts through any other pain and they hurt in their own special way. It is not a deep pain but the stings are so sharp that it is always a test of my commitment to finish them all.

Finally, time to tie up my left nut one last time. Each time being harder than the time before because that nut is in so much pain by this point. With my nut tied, I also taped my cock out of the way so I didn't accidentally cane my penis, especially the tip. I have a love/hate relationship with caning. I have been caned numerous times in various places. Fortunately, the caning came at the end of this assignment so I had some endorphines flowing from the previous hits. There is nothing like the markings left from having your ass caned, especially where the ridges of the bamboo tear into the skin a bit. Needless to say, I was a bit frighted of 25 very hard hits to my left nut. I knew it would feel intensely painful but would it draw blood from the thin tender skin of my scrotum? (Part of me hoped so.)

Instead of standing for the caning, I laid on my back, with my legs spread and feet up on the wall. I added a couple of pillows under by ass to make sure my left nut was easy to hit. For each hit, I pulled the cane as far back as I could and swung the cane down quickly on my left nut. The whooshing sound of the cane passing through the air added to the anticipation of the impact of the cane. The first hit stung. A LOT!!!. But I had 24 left to go. At this point, there was no turning back and I lashed away at my poor left nut. I was swinging so hard that my aim wasn't perfect and I bruised my upper thigh and other ball. I added a hit for every time I missed until the 25 were done. As I lay in pain on the floor, between the whimpers and moans, I said, "Thank You Emmyred for busting my balls!"

I reached down to untie my left nut and saw the blood when I pulled my hand away. I wiped up the mess and applied pressure to stop the bleeding. A few hours later when I examined my balls more closely, my let nut was covered with bruises. As I write this I still feel the aching of my wonderfully busted balls.

Emmyred, thank You for this task!!!!

kik: maxperversity


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