Thread: Fiction: I dare you: Stuck at Camp
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Old 09-23-2020, 07:07 PM   #5
Blue Griffin
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“I think he’s waking up, quick go go.” As I came too I felt my bikini top slide off my body and the sound of footsteps in the sand. I snapped up, trying to get my bearings. There was a couple girls running to the lake each making a single tally mark on their arm, one with what I assumed to be the top of Chole’s spare bikini set balled up in her fist. But they weren’t cabin two or the ones with Trish this morning. Standing up I felt the straps of the swimsuit brush against my legs and looked down. I must have been out for a while as I could clearly see the out line of the bikini over my chest and so could a few others as I heard a couple giggles from some of the other girls. As I pulled up my top hiding my embarrassment, I looked around hoping to find the others or if anyone else had seen the prank I realized that most weren’t paying attention to me.

“Cabin fourteen makes clowns out of cabin eight.” I heard called out by the lake drawing some girls attention back to the lake. As I looked back I saw what they meant. Where Trish had been was not a large mound of sand roughly shaped into a humanoid like shape of a very fat clown. Her head was sticking out of the top of the sand and had been given a clown like makeover with sunscreen and overdone makeup. I was about to ask why she had let them do this, but then realized that she had fallen asleep like me.

“Trish, Trish. Wake up.” Her neck stirred, but this a look of confusion crossed her face as her eyes snapped open trying to see why her arms wouldn’t move. 

“Allen. What, why.” Figuring out what was happening and see just me, a look of anger replaced the look of confusion. “What the hell? Did you want a dare war with us or did cabin fourteen bribe you?

“No, I fell asleep just like you did.” I snapped back “Or did you just not notify me when Miss Ruptlee was gone and left me get a new tan before they took my top.” I quickly pulled down my top to show the new tan marks on my chest. Her face flushed under the sunscreen.

“I’m sorry. I just got relaxed and looking about got boring. I guess I deserve this for losing track and possibly getting you pranked. I guess its too late to try and get out before anyone notices?” Seeing me nod, she sighed her face calming down as she tried to move again.. “Ok. Well can you at least help me get free. There’s so much sand I can hardly move any part of my-“ She cut off suddenly as I started brushing off the large amount of sand that made the belly of the clown. 

“WAIT! Stop, STOP, back up NOW.” Startled, I backed up looking around to see why Trish wanted me to stop. The look on her face had changed again, this one flushed again, but not with anger. “I-I need you to get one of my cabin mates…or one of yours. I…just can’t have you help me out of here.” Her eyes looked away.

“I’m sure I can get the sand off you. Is there an issue with me getting you out with us being in different cabins?”

“No it’s not that..”

“Then I don’t see why.” I said moving a bit closer.

“Don’t you dare get closer.” I flinched and stop holding my hands in front of me in innocence. “It’s not that I don’t want your help, but… I realized that they took my bikini top.” She looked away again as her face flushed again.

“Oh…Oh! So that’s why they took my top when they ran off.” I also looked embarrassed as I tried to not look at the pile of sand that I had started to brush off or think about what was under it.

“I’ll go get one of them.” I say rushing off to the lake where I hoped they still could be found. Getting through the crowd was too hard as I looked across the lake form the shore. In a cluster I could see the girls from cabin fourteen laughing while treading water together. They looked at me and started to talk as one pointed to her chest causing the others to laugh. Ignoring them I went back to trying to find either any one of the girls. Making my way to the dock, there were a few girls sitting on the side kicking their feet in the water while other would jump off the end. After a few sweeps I finally saw Heather with the girls from Trish’s cabin and was able to get her attention.

“Hey Heather, can you or the girls come here for a second.” Waving them towards new.

“Allen, what are doing here?” Said Heather as she swam up to the side of the dock. “Where’s Chlo- look out behind you!” As she pointed behind me, I heard the rushing of feet behind me and took a step to the side. The person had been ready to shove me into the lake and not expecting me to move suddenly had nothing to stop her from staying on the dock. Flailing in the air, she landed with a hard smack bellyflopping into the water. A couple on lookers let out an “ohh”, “ouch”, and a couple laughs as the girl righted herself in the water and looked daggers at Heather. I recognized her as one of the girls from cabin two.

“Nice moves. Here you can use this .” One of the side girls reached into her purse and pulled out a tube of lipstick. As I accepted it and drew a bright red stripe on my arm, Heather climbed up the ladder onto the dock.

“What’s up Allen? Did Victoria send you my way? I told her that I’d be fine with the other girls. Although I’m glad you found me before cabin 2 did.” She said glancing over watching the girl swimming away.

“No, it’s Trish. She got pranked by cabin fourteen and needs your help with something I can’t do.” Hearing that their cabin mate was in trouble, the other quickly climbed out as I lead them back to Trish. As we came up to here I could see that they had been back as this time there was a carved out word bubble written in the sand next to Trish’s head: My boobs honk! I also saw Chloe’s spare bikini top discarded next to my towel.

“Hey girls. Sorry about this. Mind digging me out? I would have asked Allen, but...” she blushed again as I went over and picked up Chloe’s top.

“They also took her top before burying her. I’m sure Chloe won’t mind if you borrow this now that I don’t need to use it.” I said tossing it to one of girls and turning around.

“Why would you need to borrow Chloe’s, actually where is she and Victoria?” said Heather as I heard the rest of them starting to get Trish free. I started to recap the close call Chloe and I had, leaving out the unintended results, with Trish adding her side in between. After a few minutes Trish tapped my shoulder telling me it was ok to turn around.

“As for Victoria I haven’t seen her since you to left us.”

“That’s weird. Given that they tried to toss you into the lake, I don’t think we need to worry about them pranking her, but I think it would be best to check out the cabin.” She started to pack up some of our stuff gesturing for me to do the same.

“Getting peckish again Heather?” Said one of the Trish’s friends.

“Ha, yeah all that swimming really got me hungry.” She said with a half laugh.

“Well if you guys are heading out, we’ll hang out a bit more in case Chloe stops by. Besides I think Trish and I are going to help get all this sand washed off of her... and maybe see if we can steal our own top from someone else.” She said turning towards Trish.

Trish flashed a smiled. “That sounds like a very good idea.” she said looking towards the lake. “I’ll make sure get this back you once we get our boobie prize to show off.” She called back as the two of them started to make their way to the shoreline.

“Shouldn’t you two be going with them? I asked. “It’s two against four.”

“Phss, please.” Said one putting on a maroon wrap around her waist before settling back onto her towel. “Those two are the strongest swimmer in our cabin. They’ll likely dive underwater and once Trish is clean, swim around everyone once and come up behind them. My money’s on all of them will be watching the shoreline for us to come at them. They’ll never know what hit them and won’t be able catch up to them in a race to the shore. Who knows, with Miss Ruptlee looking for a topless girl she just might find three if they’re brave enough to come out of the water.”

Grabbing the last of our stuff, we made our way back to the cabins. While Heather kept an eye out for cabin two, she mentioned that they weren’t likely to give up some beach time just for us. Getting back inside I let Heather shower first before taking a turn myself. Taking off the one piece and enjoying the heated water, I was lost in thought when I heard raised voices outside. Wrapping a towel around my waist and walking out, I saw Heather with her back to the door as Chloe and Victoria were talking over each other in front of Laura when everyone turned their attention towards me.


The room burst into laughter as two of them cracked up as Laura could be seen barely holding back her own.

“Heh-hem. Well I don’t see what all the fuss was about from you two.” She said to two in front of her. “I can now report with confidence to the head that none of my cabin girls were topless at the beach. Just do remember to make sure Allen keeps a low profile when Miss Ruptlee is around. Since we’ve kept him here this long it’s my neck on the line as well as your if he gets caught. That mean banned for life you three.”

“Allen,” she said turning to me. “While you’ve adapted so far and put up with a lot we have thrown your way, do remember that most ladies wrap their towel around their, ahem, bust when stepping out of the shower. You never know if someone else besides me will be checking in. I looked down and saw the clear tan lines on display for everyone. Blushing I quickly rushed to my bunk to grab a shirt and cover up.
5' 11" Straight Male.
Loves :Crossdressing, food/messy, humiliation, bra/pantie stuffing, hidden/semi-public, diapers, long dares,
Likes: Wedgies
Maybe: Bondage, line writing, corner time,
Hard limits: Pain, Poop, Pee, nudity, cum eating, anal, masturbate/edging, enemas, public, pics, hypnos, cam
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