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Old 02-15-2011, 10:56 PM   #5
Junior Member
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Somewhere With A Great View
Posts: 22
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1. You're on a cruise ship, you notice the boat is going under, you see out to the side a desert island where you can swim to for safety.. What do you take with you to the desert island?

Lighter, knife and then I'm set to make myself a paradise

2. Tomorrow you're given $1,000,000 to spend any way you want, no taxes, no work, no catch. Free Money.. how do you spend it?

Corsets and high heels, I have an addiction I admit it Oh and swords many many swords and comic books ooo ooo manga well damn I'm broke again

3. If you could put a concert together for just you and your friends with any bands playing who would you pick (list in order with #1 being the opening band and so-on-so-forth)

first, friends? what friends?
1. kidneythieves
2.Emilie Autumn
4.Motley Crue
5.Abney Park
8.Julie London
10.Vermillion Lies
11. Jack off Jill
12.Mz Ann Thropik
13. Every other artist on my playlist

4. Favorite type of cheese?

Edam, no Asiago, no Cheddar, no no Feta...I like cheese.....

6. Where did number 5 go?

I'm not sure but we should send out a search party

7. If you could go back to any period of time when would you go back to?

hmmmm about 4 years ago before I screwed up.
Or the Victorian era damn this victorian obsession of mine

8. If you could go forward into the future which movie style future would you go into?

The Imaginary world in Sucker Punch, I keep going back to the trailer and thinking....cooollllll

9. Chicken wings vs Chicken Nuggets vs Chicken Strips?


10. What kind of sauce do you use with the above answer?


5. You have to choose one: Either drink a glass of wine, or a mug of beer?

If I had to wine. But I like bellinis mmmm bellinis

11. Which type of the above answer do you choose?

White wine I suppose is alright in small doses.

12. If the planets were inhabitable by humans, which planet would you go visit first?

the rings of saturn are so sexy
and jupiter's got that red spot
pluto and eres are just dwarves
but they get me twice as hot

oh planet porn
the solar system really turns me on
i'm floating through your galaxy
your milky ways are all over me

i'll spread my legs for venus
and i'd like to live on mars
i'll take neptune or uranus
or any of the countless stars

oh planet porn
the solar system really turns me on
i'm floating through your galaxy
your milky ways are all over me

and mercury's the hottest
being closest to the sun
and if that gets you off
you know you're not the only one

oh planet porn
the solar system really turns me on
i'm floating through your galaxy
your milky ways are uh uh uh

oh planet porn
the solar system really turns me on
i'm floating through your galaxy
your milky ways are all oh oh oh oh

Obviously I choose Venus

13. Favorite type of hot sauce?

There are types of hot sauce?

14. Burger King, McDonald's, or Wendy's?

Home cooking I'm on a diet.

15. Have you ever moved from place to place?

Yes. and I'm moving to the fourth floor next month

16 What's you're favorite animal.

Kitty meow Kitty kitty kitty mew

17 Do you like Coffee?

Love it, I like making espresso art

18 What do you order from Star Bucks?

I've never been

19 Write down the first thing that comes to your mind

cookies how I miss eating cookies.

20 Have you ever broken a bone, or been to the E.R?

Yes, many many times

21 Who was your child hood crush?

My Mom's car it crushed me good

22 If you were to become a lesbian who would be your celebrity crush?

I'm bi you know >-> and hmmmm celebrity ummm does Emilie Autumn count she's got a cutie bootie

23 What is the background picture on your computer?

a painting of a girl nude on all fours in a wheat field

24 Do you prefer Facebook or Myspace?

I have neither

25 Do you like to play pool (Billiards)?

I do I love it

26 Do you like to play Putt Putt (mini) golf?

Depends on the company cause at the game itself I suck

27 Do you like to bowl?

There is no bowling alleys in my town

28 Which of those 3 do you like better?


29 Say you have a crush on Guy A, and you know that Guy A likes you back. Do you ask him out, or wait till he asks you out?

I bite him, if he does not get pissed then I say "love me"

30 Freddy or Jason or Michel Myers?

Freddy, nightmare powers are awesome

31 Have you ever dyed you hair?


32 If yes what color? If no, What color would you like to dye your hair?

None I like my natural color

33 What is your least favorite vegetable?


34 How do you order your steak?

I dont

35 Do you use steak sauce?


36 What do you put on your hamburgers?


37 Are these random enough for you?

No not at all

38 Whats one question you wish somebody would ask you.

ummmm these ones were fun

39. (Insert answer to last question here) (in otherwords, answer your own question.


40 What is your favorite holiday?[/QUOTE]


I have a webcam and digital cam but will not use them right away with ANYONE
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