Thread: [FICTION] The Best Camping Trip Ever
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Old 01-21-2011, 07:09 PM   #8
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Chicago
Posts: 83


When we got back to the cabin, we had brain storming session on what the hell we could do for the last day we were here. We didn’t exactly know what we were going to do, but we decided to back to McDonald’s for breakfast and some time to think about what we were going to do. We got into the car and arrived at McDonald’s about ten minutes later.

“Ugh, finally, some good breakfast,” said Jim.
“What? You didn’t like the stuff I made yesterday morning?” I said.
“Haha, well let’s just say that it isn’t ‘Mickey D’s’” Jim said.
“Fine, be that way. ‘Last time I’m cooking breakfast for you guys,” I said jokingly.

We strolled into the entrance and gave our orders to the cashier.

“I’ll have two sausage-egg McMuffins, a hashbrown, and a large orange juice,” I said.
“Yeah, let me get a plate of hotcakes and some OJ,” said Anna.
“Same thing as her,” Ashley said pointing back to Anna.
“Two sausage-egg McMuffins and a chocolate milk please,” said Jim.

The cashier handed us the receipt and said, “You guys are order number 43.”
“Thank you,” I said.

We waited for a few minutes before we got our food. We grabbed our trays and sat down at a booth. As we were sitting and eating our food, I had a couple of ideas as to what we were going to do on our last day camping.

“Okay guys,” I began. “Here’s what I’m thinking. We could go tubing and skiing again till 5, take showers, get dressed and then go out to the carnival a few minutes away from here and then come back to the cabin for another fire. Sound good?”
“That sounds awesome,” said Ashley.
“Yeah, I’m definitely down with that,” said Jim.
“Okay then, it’s a plan,” I said.

We had finished our food at 11 am and got in the car and made our way back to the cabin. By the time everybody had changed, it was 11:30 and I was getting restless.

“Hurry up guys, we only got a few hours before we have to go to the carnival!” I said.

Then Ashley, Anna and Jim came out of the their rooms and into the kitchen.

“Okay, me and Jim will go and get the boat ready and Ashley, you and Anna will go get the life vests and the tube from the shed,” I said.

It took us another ten minutes to get everything ready to go tubing again. Me and Jim had fired up the boat and we were waiting on Anna and Ashley. We waited for another five minutes before they emerged from around the corner carrying the tube and life vests.

“Took you guys long enough,” said Jim.
“Shut up, Jim,” said Ashley.

Ashley handed everybody their life vests and we put them on. Jim went to the back of the boat and tied the tube to the back of the boat and secured the rope. We got in the boat and did a couple of laps around the lake before deciding to start tubing. Anna and Ashley were the first ones up. It took me a good five minutes to flip them, but I managed to do so, and in good fashion. Anna did a front flip and Ashley did a helicopter off of the tube. I pulled up to the girls and they got back in the boat.

“Holy shit, I have a headache. I think I’m gonna take a break for a couple of turns,” said Anna.
“Okay, that’s fine. Jim you’re up,” I said.
“Let’s do it!” he said.

Jim got in the tube and I started to pull away. I quickly got up to speed and managed to fling him off of the tube. I picked him back up and we decided how much longer we wanted to keep doing this for. We pulled out the water skis and everybody took turns on the skis. We were skiing for about four hours before the boat started to run low on gas and I said that it was time to wrap it up. Everybody was in the boat and we went back to the cabin.

Once we were back at the cabin, we had all to take showers. This didn’t take long and we were all out of the shower by 5:30. We all got dressed and got into the car and went to the carnival a few minutes away.

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