Thread: [FICTION] The Best Camping Trip Ever
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Old 01-19-2011, 06:16 PM   #5
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Chicago
Posts: 83

Okay, I promised I would put up part V today, so here it is.


I swung the boat around and started to push down on the throttle. The bow began to rise as we picked up speed. 20… 30… 40… we finally hit 50 and everybody in the back was holding on for dear life as we were cruising on the water. The girls were screaming but I couldn’t hear them because of the noise from the boat. I finally slowed down to about 30 and the girls looked dazed. Their hair was all over the place, and in a strange way, it looked kind of sexy.

“That was SO fun!” Anna said.
“Well, do you guys wanna do some tubing?” I asked.
“Hell yeah!!” Jim yelled.
“Okay, we gotta go back to the cabin so I can grab the tube.”

I punched it and we made it back to the cabin in five minutes. I turned off the boat and we all got out. We walked towards the shed that was at the back of the property and we opened the door. It was definitely old and there were spider webs everywhere. The girls were having no part of it so me and Jim got the tubes. They were dusty, but a couple of seconds in the water would fix that. We grabbed the rope from the shed too and made our way back to the boat.

“Jim, get in the boat and tie the rope in a knot to the boat.”
“Okay, will do.”

Jim got into the boat and started to tie the knot. Once he was finished, he gave me the thumbs up and we piled back into the boat. I tied the rope to the tube and walked over to the driver’s seat. I put in the keys and turned the ignition. The boat roared back to life and we were off. I got about 30 feet away from the dock before I threw the tube in the water.

“So, who’s first?”

The girls looked a little reluctant, but they said, “We will,” in unison.
“Okay, good luck.”

They put their life vests back on and climbed into the water. They swam a couple feet towards the tube and got it. I looked at them and told them, “Make sure you hold on. This is gonna be a rough ride.”

They looked at each other and smiled. I got back into the driver’s seat and hit the throttle. The bow quickly began to rise as we hit 20 m.p.h. I looked back to check on them and everything was alright. They were smiling and holding on. I decided to pick it up a bit and began to accelerate towards 35 m.p.h. I looked back again and they were laughing their heads off. I made it a bit more fun and started to turn to the right. I turned back to the left and they were launched over the wake. I turned back and laughed my head off and Jim was just as amused. I saw Ashley hanging on with one hand and Anna trying to get her back on. It was a great sight to see my friends having fun, and I was having fun as well. I made a hard left turn and then quickly turned to the right once again. This time, they flew another ten feet!! This knocked both of them off the tube. I slowed down and I moved towards them in the boat. Jim had brought the tube into the boat and I was about 5 feet away from the girls now. They swam to the back of the boat and climbed back in.

“Who’s next?” I asked.
“I’ll go,” said Jim.

The girls laughed and pushed him into the tube.

“Make sure you go super fast,” said Ashley.
“YEAH! Do it!” agreed Anna.
“Okay, Okay. I just don’t wanna hurt him, that’s all.”
“Oh he’ll be fine,” said Ashley.
“Okay, if you insist.”

I looked back at Jim in the tube and started to pull away and yelled, “JIM!! YOU READY?” Jim gave me the thumbs up and I sped off. I quickly got up to 30 m.p.h. and Jim was holding on tight. I swerved to left and then quickly to the right, making a three foot wake and Jim went flying off the tube as soon as he hit it. I turned the boat around and pulled up next to Jim.

“You wanna go again?” I asked.
“You know it,” he replied.
“Okay, hold on.”

This time, I punched it and I took the boat up to 55 m.p.h., the fastest it would go. I quickly cut to the right and then to the left. Jim went flying about ten feet before hitting the water hard and creating a huge splash. I was worried at first but I was relieved when he popped up and gave me a big smile. I pulled the boat up next to him and he got in. I looked at him and smiled.

“Well, how was it guys?” I asked.
“It was so much fun!!” Jim said.
“Yeah, oh my God I thought I was gonna die!” said Anna.
“Okay, okay. Anybody wanna go again?”
“Yeah, let me and Ash go,” said Jim.
“Ight. Sounds good,” I said.

We pulled out and I tried as hard as I could to flip Jim and Ashley. It took me a good five or six minutes to flip them, but I succeeded in doing so. I pulled up to Jim and Ashley and they got back into the boat.

“Okay, you guys good now?”
“Yeah, let’s go back to the cabin and eat dinner,” said Anna.
“Jesus Christ Anna, you’re always hungry!” I exclaimed.

We all laughed. I proceeded to drive the boat around the lake a few times just to take In the scenery. It was now sunset and as I looked back, I saw Jim and Ashley cuddling on the back seat. The clock on the boat said it was 7:30. I gave a small smile, but then something caught my eye. Anna was sitting all alone in the back and I felt bad for her. So I invited her up to the front, with me.

“Anna! Come up here with me.”

She looked excited and quickly made her way up to me.

“Do you want to drive?” I asked.
“Oh my God yes!” she said.
“Okay, come here and sit on my lap.”

I scooted my seat back and let her sit on my thighs. She looked excited and she sat down. I scooted the seat back up towards the throttle and grabbed her around the waist with my left arm, making sure to keep my hand on the steering wheel. There I was, with a beautiful girl on my lap and cruising with my three best friends around a lake at sunset. Life was pretty damn good.

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