Thread: [FICTION] The Best Camping Trip Ever
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Old 01-17-2011, 04:26 PM   #1
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Default The Best Camping Trip Ever

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Hey guys, this will be my second story on I'm really excited about this one. I think it will be better than my first one, which is also on here. Feel free to check it out.

Me and Brendon -

This one is purely fictional, the events never happened, or haven't happened "yet." LOL. The people included in the story are my actual friends, and the descriptions are very accurate. Enjoy!



1) Me (Luke)
Age – 16
Height – 5’7”
Weight – 165 lbs
Build – Muscular
Hair – Dirty Blond
Eyes – Green/Blue

2) Jim
Age – 16
Height – 5’9”
Weight – 140 lbs
Build – Cut, skinny
Hair – Brown
Eyes – Blue

3) Anna
Age – 16
Height – 5’6”
Weight – 120 lbs
Build – 36 B cup, Nice ass, Skinny
Hair – Black
Eyes – Brown

4) Ashley
Age – 15
Height – 5’5”
Weight – 120 lbs
Build – Medium B cups, large butt, Skinny
Hair – Blond
Eyes – Blue


1) Jim’s house
2) Gas station
3) Camp Site/Cabin

Plot – Camping trip before the start of school turns into something more than expected.


It was about 8 o’clock in the morning when I heard the alarm on my phone go off. It was the same ringtone that got me up every other morning during the school year, which was only a week away. I would be starting my junior year of high school. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but I was excited to see my friends again. Even though we hang out almost every weekend during the summer, there was just something missing. I could never quite figure out what it was, but I would soon figure out.

After I hit the snooze button on my phone, I got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I washed my face and got ready to go upstairs and eat breakfast. Since both of my parents work, I was the only one home at the time. My dad starts work at 7:30 and my mom works nights, so she doesn’t get home till about 9. I made my eggs and sat down with the paper. As I was flipping through the travel section, I saw an article about the camp site that me and my friends were going to for the weekend. I was reading through it and thoughts about all the fun that we would have started racing through my head: tubing, water skiing, camp fires, hiking. You know, the usual “outdoors” activities. I finished my scrambled eggs and headed back downstairs to my room to get dressed. I knew I would be driving all day, since I was the only one with my license. I threw on a tight white t-shirt and some Nike basketball shorts with some Nike flip flops to top it all off. I grabbed my bags and headed back upstairs. As I ran through my last mental check list, I knew I was ready to leave. I grabbed my keys off of the kitchen counter and headed out the door to my car. Well, it’s not exactly “my car,” per say. It’s my mom’s car. She’s letting me borrow it for the weekend so I can drive my friends to our campsite. I popped the trunk and threw my stuff in. I closed the trunk and got into the driver’s seat. I adjusted the seats and the mirrors and drove off towards Jim’s house.


Last edited by Leopard; 02-03-2011 at 10:04 PM.
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