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Old 04-13-2020, 02:41 PM   #1
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 2,765
Target ~ Points Roulette Challenge ~

There are now 6491 fap roulette dares for you to choose from!

That is why those are turned into a challenge, where you earn points to climb
the ladder as a Fap Roulette Grandmaster Challenger:

Fap Roulette Grandmaster (1000+ points)
Fap Roulette Master (500-999 points)
Fap Roulette Expert (150-499 points)
Fap Roulette Apprentice (100-149 points)
Fap Roulette Novice (0-99 points)

Go to and select your category (upper left corner, striped button).

Make a list of dares; exclude the too non-risky dares, and too boring
ones, try mixing the dares up, the trick is to pick the perfectly doable ones!
Exclude also those not for you, like not for your gender or not in your taste.
Make it interesting and surprising, take (calculated) risks!!

Find a lot of challenging dares in your taste and write down their numbers in your list
(= the 1 to 5 digit numbers in their internet addresses). One of the numbers will be picked out
for you later, and you will then use that number as a picture with ".jpg" after and do that dare.

HOW TO do a fap roulette dare: Do each letter tasks (W, X, Y, Z, ...) in alphabetical
order. Dubs = two of the same digits came up, which sometimes changes the dare,
Trips = three of the same digits came up, which sometimes changes the dare.
Quads = four of the same digits came up, which sometimes changes the dare.
Evens: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 Odds: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.

Then go HERE:
to start your dare draw: start the draw with at least a draw time = 20 minutes, then post
the link to the drawing here on this page and wait...

"I'm in for the Points Roulette Challenge! My dare is in the draw link here:.."

You will then bring up a the randomly picked fap roulette dare as a picture, taking the number
you got, and writing that instead of the number in this example (7314):

To get the numbers for the letters needed: W, X, Y ... , generate the lists one by one
and post all the generated links for each letter in a comment down here (a dare
can have anything from one to 10 numbers to generate in different formats, so it
depends on the dare picked how many numbers you'll need). Normal is a list of ten
digits from 0-9, like this:
copy and paste the list in the list box, then set the draw time to at least 20 minutes
so you have time to post the links to the letter number drawings before the numbers are picked.

"Here are the links to my letter numbers in the dare: X... Y... Z... "

When all the letter digits are finally drawn, get the roulette dare pic up again, and do the dare as
the letter numbers instruct you to!

You start with 0 points, and you get +25 points for a completed hard dare, only +5 for an easy
dare, -25 points for getting a fail, a not fail but not very well done hard dare is worth +7 points,
failing an easy dare gives you -5 points. You can't get minus points in your total score,
so the lowest score is zero. Go for the Fap Roulette Grandmaster title = 1000+ points!

Finished? Then update your score and move on to the next challenge with a new list to
pick dares from! You only get 25 points for the same dare once, and earlier completed
dares don't count, so doing the same dare is pointless...

Happy Fapping!

Last edited by Bandana; 04-14-2020 at 10:04 PM.
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