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Old 04-12-2020, 03:18 PM   #44
getDare Succubus
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Originally Posted by knorke View Post
I’ll bump this thread as the questions seem relevant again
Oh boy... an entire year between questions really doesn't look good, does it?! Would you believe me if I said I was the Easter bunny...?

So, without further ado...

153. How was your Easter?
It was nice... a little different from usual, of course, but we've had lovely weather all this week, which gave me the perfect excuse to spend almost all of my time wearing pretty dresses and sunbathing in the garden.

154. What's your favorite kind of sweet?
I love Haribo and other gummy sweets (my dad hates them and reckons they're like rubber) but I quite like the odd packet of sour Skittles, and as for chocolate I'll never say no to some Maltesers or a Double Decker bar, though Lindt is probably my all-time favourite chocolate (buy me a box of the stuff and I'm yours, basically).

155. What's your favorite kind of snack?
I'm a big fan of popcorn, either salt or salt and sweet (or just generally anything that's a mix of sweet and savoury), or chilli peanuts (sooo moreish) and as mentioned above, gummy bears are a sort of guilty pleasure of mine. But tbh I'm a total snack fiend and I eat way too many of them oops.

156. What's your favorite song this week?
I've starting listening to the radio a lot more over the past week or two, and as a result I have quite a few favourites right now... (in no particular order)
Dua Lipa- Break My Heart
Supalonely- BENEE
Sunday Best- Surfaces
Beautiful Faces- Dylan McKenna
Piece Of Your Heart- MEDUZA
Stupid Love- Lady Gaga
Blinding Lights- The Weeknd

157. Are you gonna dress up as brexit for Halloween?
Y'know, I'm not usually a fan of fancy dress, but for this costume idea I think I could make an exception...

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likes: dad jokes, pretty people, vodka.
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