Thread: Hypnosis
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Old 04-10-2020, 09:16 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by iamnotme View Post
I've watched a couple of the "hypnosis" videos out of curiosity. They seem to fall into two different categories. The first is more of an instructional video. The person on the video basically tells you what to do and what you want. The second appears to be a subconscious effort at hypnosis, fast, deep music, constantly changing pictures, flashing by so quickly that it is impossible to fully absorb what is on the screen, along with words flashing by just as quickly.

With what you have said, I am under the impression that the "subconscious" ones would have little effect. Could you comment?
There are lots of categories of hypnosis files. It varies based on what qualities you are categorizing by. Are you looking at modality style, induction style, type of suggestions, etc. The way I am understanding your comment, it seems like you are talking about two different types from different categories.

What you referred to as an "instructional video" sounds like an authoritative approach and uses direct suggestions. In these files/sessions the hypnotist will use more direct language. An example would be "You will feel ____". The opposite of this is a permissive style and using indirect suggestions. An example of this would be, "You might feel ____". Both are valid techniques. Many variables go into deciding which may be the "better" style to use during a session.

Hypnosis files can utilize subliminal (what you referred to as "subconscious") messages. This can be presented in many different ways and the effectiveness can be debated. The key thing with subliminal messages is that you still have to be able to process the information. It may happen so rapidly that you don't realize you have processed it, but your brain still needs to be able to detect the stimuli. So if someone tries to add a subliminal audio track, but your ears don't detect the sound waves, it won't be effective. With words flashing on a screen, it has to be there long enough for you to actually see it and read it. Keep in mind though, your brain can read much faster than you may realize.

Can subliminal messages work? Sure! You just have to ensure the person's brain can actually detect the stimuli. This can lead into some conditioning topics. Conditioning can easily turn ugly, so I won't be talking about how to do that here.

Basically, different things have different effects for different people. That is why negotiation and consent BEFORE any play is super important. It gives you time to learn about the other person.
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