Thread: Hypnosis
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Old 04-09-2020, 10:42 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by iamnotme View Post
I've watched a couple of the "hypnosis" videos out of curiosity. They seem to fall into two different categories. The first is more of an instructional video. The person on the video basically tells you what to do and what you want. The second appears to be a subconscious effort at hypnosis, fast, deep music, constantly changing pictures, flashing by so quickly that it is impossible to fully absorb what is on the screen, along with words flashing by just as quickly.

With what you have said, I am under the impression that the "subconscious" ones would have little effect. Could you comment?
What you're talking about is the subliminal effects. It's an approach to send a message or in this case, suggestions and ideas while the subject isn't fully aware of them. It has what you said, images that fly by too fast to comprehend on what is happening, words that flash and disappear before fully reading. The music is also there to mask other audio so that your conscious mind is focused on the music but there's underlying tracks that are being played underneath that which contain suggestions and such. There's other stuff subtly guide the person to things done by subtle cues to get their mind focused on certain things.

The "instructional" type is simply a guided trance.
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