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Old 12-25-2007, 11:00 AM   #13
tea pesh
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 35

Originally Posted by lydiab6 View Post
actually, just to be accurate, Jews are not like the Christians and Muslims. Jews are actually like the Italians or the Greeks. Being Jewish is an identity in the form of nationality as Judaism is a culture not just a religion. Though it is true that in the world today you do have to step lightly, it is because of past instances against the Jews as a people not just Jews in the religious sense.

True. For example, I, myself, a jew. But, I'm also an atheist.
More then 100 years ago the Judaism stopped with being only a religen, and became a nation as well. A nation like the arabs or the Indians. People can choose to become jews in their religen, but if you were born as a jew (because your parents were jews) then you will always be a jew. In world war II, people who were in their religen a complete Christians, and were raised as Christians, but had 1 jewish grandfather, who recognized by the Nazis as jews and were sent to their death.
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