Thread: Dare: Person Above Diaper Dare
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Old 01-29-2011, 08:06 PM   #191
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Get yourself a barium enema kit, real cheap, only a couple bucks for a store brand at any pharmacy or walmart. It's just a really simple squeeze bottle (almost like a water bottle) with a small amount of liquid, but it will make you go for sure.

Now get yourself a small amount of chain just long enough to fit around your waist (and be kinda tight, but not painful) and a padlock with a key.

With the padlocked unlocked, go find a bush or bit of dirt or something that you can hid the key to it in (maybe put it in a plastic baggie first). Make sure this place is a 20 minute (or more) walk away from your house.

Now put on your diaper, put on some jeans (if you want to be daring, tight jeans to show it off). Slip the chain around your waist through the belt loops on your pants, and padlock it shut. No turning back now, you gotta walk to get that key, try not to mess yourself! (or do it on purpose, just have fun)
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