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Old 03-12-2020, 10:08 PM   #130
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The next round is call rock paper scissors dumpo. it works like this each set will take a seat next to these bins. They will play rock paper scissors each time they lose the bin will raises up a level once it reaches the third one it will spill over on the player. Like last round go out in round one and it's a loss of an item of clothing and zero points, round two and it's 100 points, round 3 200 and win the whole thing and 500 points.

First up is Jenna vs Becky. They take their seats and the first draw is rock for both. Sadly draws mean niether win so both buckets rise up a level. The next draw is double rock both buckets go up again meaning both players are in danger. The next draw is rock for Jenna and paper for Becky. Jenna's bucket tips over covering her in cold thick green gunge and costing her her sandals.

The next set is DJR86 vs Curious. They take their seats and square of. The first draw is Scissors for DJR86 and paper for Curious. Curious's bin goes up one level. The next draw is rock for both meaning both bins go up a level and Curious is now in danger. The next draw is scissors for both which means both bin rise and Curious's bin tips over spilling the gunge and costing him his shoes.

The next set is Allie vs Erin they take their seats and throw the first one is paper for Allie and scissors for Erin. Allie's bucket goes up a level. The next draw is scissors for Allie and paper for Erin. Erin's bucket goes up a level. The next draw is Rock for Allie and paper for Erin. Allie's bin goes up a level entering the danger zone. The next draw is rock of Allie and paper for Erin. Allie's bucket goes up and tips over covering her in gunge and costing her shirt.

The next set is Tiffany bs Griifin. They take their seats and face off. The first draw is paper for Tiffany and rock for Griffin raising his bin up one level. The next draw is scissors for Tiffany and rock for Griffin which raises Tiffany's bucket a level. The next draw is scissors for each raising both buckets to the danger zone. The last draw is rock for Tiffany and scissors for Griffin raising his buckets till it tips over covering him in gunge and costing him his socks.

The first set for round two is Becky vs DJR86. The first draw is rock for Becky and paper for DJR86 raising her bucket one level. The next draw is paper for both raising both buckets and putting Becky into the danger zone. The next draw is rock for Becky and paper for DRJ86 rasing her bucket till it tips over covering her in the gunge.

Up next is Erin vs Tiffany. The first draw is paper for Erin and scissors for Tiffany raising Erin's bucket a level. The next one is rock for both of them meaning both buckets go up a levle and Erin goes into the danger zone. The next draw is scissors for Erin and rock for Tiffany raising Erin's bucket till it tips over on her.

The championship is DJR86 vs Tiffany. The first draw is Paper for DJR86 and rock for Tiffany raising his bucket up one level. The next one is rock for both of them raising both bucket up a level. The last one is paper for DJr86 and rock Tiffany. Tiffany's bin rises up and tips over covering him in gunge.

After round two the score is Jenna and DJR86 500, Erin and Tiffany 300, Becky and Curious 100 Allie and Griffin ZERO.
wam manly food based

dislikes piss

Limits poop, cum, animal food, illegal, eating or drinking, public, naked.

I currently don't own any toys.

talk about pictures and dress but decided on a case by case bases.

What is this signature..

Last edited by Novagunger; 03-13-2020 at 02:32 PM.
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