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Old 01-06-2020, 05:28 PM   #11
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Posts: 9

You go to a party and you clothes get ruined on your way there. Your BFF at the party gives you two choices
1) You can walk around naked or
2) Dress up in the clothes of the opposite sex

Wouldnt even be a big inconvenience
The T.A.R.D.I.S. lands on your front lawn do you join the Doctor?
havent seen dr who at all

You live in a sci-fi universe-
1)You have the power of transformation but every time you transform you pee your pants or
2) The power of invisibility but your clothes don’t turn invisible with you so you’d have to walk around naked.

invisibility is just too good to not take it

A sexy vampire gives you two choices
1) She cannot turn you but you will be the packs sex slave doing whatever is required of you or
2) She can bite you but you’re the lowest on the totem pole getting the last of left overs if any are left and treated like dirt.
guess thats the better one, since in the second youll be treated like dirt for eternity since youre a vampire then

You’re stranded in the desert and come across a genies lamp. He tells you you can have one wish only.
1) You can be transported to a nearest city but you must give up a limb (your choice)
2) You have as much water as you’d like to drink but it’s filtered pee
3) You’re granted immortality (you know you get home but when is a mystery)
okay this was a hard one. def not taking 3 bc immortality sucks, and i actually dont care if its filtered ppe or not. because water is water. if it wasnt drink water tho (could also be distilled water) id take nr 1

Would you rather go
1) To an orgy while locked in a chastity device or
2) A BDSM club as a sub to everyone domme/dom there?
thats basically just live porn then isnt it?

Torture time wyr
1) Be tied spread eagle to a bed and have ice and wax dripped on your naked body or
2) Be tied and be tickled to you piss yourself?
i really really hate being tickled so nr 1 it is
21 years old/female/bi-sexual

please call me slut or other humiliating names

still exploring

if you´ve got any questions just dm me

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