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Old 12-15-2019, 02:18 AM   #13
RosieMarlowe's Avatar
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Originally Posted by bananabob View Post
Hello fellow Kiwi!
You can't run nor hide, everywhere you turn we will be there. The Kiwis are coming and they will not be stopped. We are become legion.

Originally Posted by bananabob View Post
1) If you could go into the world's greatest and most well stocked adult toy store and take any 3 items of your choice, what would they be and why?
So I'd really hope that in this shop I'd have some time to browse and there would be things that I'd never seen or heard of before. I think in this scenario I wouldn't go in with anything in mind but would try and be open to anything that takes my fancy.
That's not a very good answer though so let me think of three fetishy items that I down't own and would have no idea where to buy.
- A remote control vibrator that has the ability to be controlled by people who I give access to no matter where they are. I think this could be fun for online play as well as if I were ever in a long distance relationship, I can imagine all sorts of odd shenanigans that you could get into with something like this.
- A Special bed just for sex. Sometimes you just want your bed to be a nice and safe no-sex zone so why not have a bed specifically designed with sex in mind? It could have attachments or shelves for other sex toys. Maybe there are different materials that are better for sex stuff. I don't know but I'm sure it could be a good idea.
- A sexy sex outfit. Maybe with some LaTeX and leather, maybe some fluffy bits too. I've never had any clothes specifically for sex (I don't do the sex that much) so I'd definitely look for something super sexy that would get all the guys (and maybe the girls too) turned on so much they couldn't help but get down at my feet.

Originally Posted by bananabob View Post
2) Name one of your guilty pleasures.
The film Pitch Perfect

Originally Posted by bananabob View Post
3) What is the strangest thing you've had inside of you?
This one isn't a thing that is certainly inside me but its a cool story so I'm going to share it anyway. So when I was a baby my parents lived int he UK a while and that was during the Mad Cow disease times. So now in New Zealand I am unable to give blood because there is a small chance that my blood is infected with Prions. These are super evil folded proteins that are undetectable, indestructible and if they mange to spread enough completely deadly.
If you are looking for a scare feel free to look them up on the internet, its a big spook.

Originally Posted by bananabob View Post
4) What is something you are insecure about?
I am insecure about a lot of things - I'm never sure I'm good enough at my work, I'm really that good at any of my hobbies and I'm not the most successful person when it comes to romance. I think I tend to keep to myself a bit because of some of these things - I haven't been actively looking for a relationship in a long time and I think part of that comes from the fact that I'm very insecure about sex in general.
Heya! I'm Rosie a 27 F-type.
I love tea, honey, marzipan and the great outdoors.

Anything else you might want to know about me you can ask here!
Also sorry but please stop just asking for pictures, like maybe one day but out of the blue? No.

If you PM me please be polite and I'll be polite too!
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