Thread: [NON-FICTION] Strip Basketball
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Old 10-18-2008, 03:57 PM   #9
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Sorry ‘bout the wait but ive been really busy.
Unfortunately, I think im going to have to bring this thread to a close soon, because im running out of ideas for this story, but I have ideas for a bunch of others. I intend to write a sequel at some point, but for now this is probably the second to last post.
Part 10: CAUGHT!

Slowly I walked over to the phone and answered it. “Hello..”

“What the hell is going on over there? I look out of the window and see a naked girl running though the yard!”

“Excuse me, ma’m?” I asked, trying to think of some sort of response to her accusation.

“I want to know exactly whats going on in your house! I’m coming over right now!”

I looked out the window and saw her crossing the street. Oh, shit I thought as I told the girls to hide in my room, and Mike dragged Greg up there. The doorbell rang and I answered it. Mrs Fenster was there and looked mad. She is about 65 years old and always has her nose in someone elses business.

“What is going on?” she demanded.

“I’m not sure ma’m. Mike and I were just playing video games when you called, and by the time I got upstairs to answer the phone it had gone to the machine. Then you started saying something about a naked girl and I got confused.”

“Well lets have a look around then shall we, If there are no girls here.”

She went through nearly everyroom downstairs, and I texted Tori to get dressed, take Greg and Katey, and when she went into the basement, sneak out of the house, into the backyard and into the woods and hide.

Eventually Mrs. Fenster went upstairs and looked around not finding anything, and getting confused.

Then she realized she hadn’t yet gone into the laundry room, and she walked in, again finding nothing.

“Well then, boys, sorry about this but you have to understand, I wake up, find a naked girl running across the yard and towards your house and WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!!!” she suddenly exclaimed. She pointed to the ground where a hot pink lacy thong lay. It belonged to Tori.

“Uhhhh, that belongs to my mom I guess, I mean, I don’t know what else it would be…”

“Your mother?”

“ I guess so, I mean what else would it be doing here?”

“I guess I just never pictured Karen wearing that sort of lingerie, I’ll never look at her the same…”

It was getting really awkward so I asked her to leave and she obliged, and kept apologizing.

I called Tori and told her to come back in. I realized we had a problem, and that we needed a solution.
Hope you enjoyed it, and there should be one part left. After that I may write a sequel, but I have a few other story ideas that I’m trying to develop and may actually get started on soon. Thanks for reading
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