Thread: [NON-FICTION] Strip Basketball
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Old 06-13-2008, 06:31 AM   #8
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thanks for the feedback

PART 7: Slavery begins!

It was 7:45 and i was nervously pacing around my house, wondering how the weekend would go. I had called Tori earlier, and told her what to bring. The list included a very slutty skirt, a tight white top, at least 5 pairs of underware, a couple pair of handcuffs (her dads a cop so she has some old ones and their keys), a digital camera, and some permanent markers.

What i was most nervous about, however, was how i was going to deal with Greg. I had a plan for him, but i wasn't sure if it would work.

Mike came in at 748 with a duffel bag, full of stuff Katey told him to bring. Then the girls walked in with bags, im assuming full of supplies.

I got right to business and told them about Greg, and our little problem.

Tori said, "Ewww! I hate that kid, he's so creepy and i think hes always fantasizing about me in Chem. We're lab partners."

I said, "I know we've got a problem, but here's my plan. Do you think it will work?"

I told them my plan, and they seemed reluctant, but agreed to go along with it. I looked at the clock. It was 8:00, time for the bondage to begin.

We all sort of looked at each other, not sure what to do. Then Katey finally said, "Mike, I hate that shirt, it has to come off." Mike took of his shirt revealing a nice set of abbs. Katey was impressed and said, "Alright, this is a good start!"

I decided to follow suit, and said, "Tori why don't you strip to your underwear for us." She did, and her hot pink bra and panties were a welcomed sight.

Just then the doorbell rang. It was Greg, 10 minutes early. I let him in and he said, "Well it looks like you got this party started without me."

I replied "Well we're glad you could make it." This was our cue line to start the plan. Mike, who is much bigger then Greg, got behind him and wrestled him to the floor. I then helped Mike put Greg up onto a chair, and tori came behind him and handcuffed him to it, while we stripped him of all his clothing. He quickly went bright red as his small dick (only about 4 or 5 inches) stood straight up in the air. Tori and Katey walked over and started rubbing him seductively, while I took pictures with the camera. When I told the girls to stop Tori said, "Thank God! That was disgusting!" Katey agreed. Mike grabbed Greg's cellphone and deleted the video of lunch.

Then I told Greg, "Well Greg you black mailed us, so we're going to return the favor. You are now a slave to all of us and you must do whatever we tell you, or you will be severely punished. If you do not agree to this, these pictures will be sent to your parents, understand?" Greg's parent are very conservative and Catholic, and would ground Greg for life if they saw these pictures.

"Well, its too late. I already e-malied the video to myself at home and made extra copies of it at my house!"

I said, "You really are a sick little boy. Well we're going to go to your house right now, and you are going to delete that email, and give us the extra copies."

We all got into Mike's car. Mike and Katey up front, and me and Tori in the back, with Greg in between us, now dressed but still handcuffed. Finally, we got to his house. Mike and I walked in with Greg and he called to his mom, "Mom! i left a couple video games in my room that I was going to take to the sleepover. I came back to get them."

She called back, "OK honey, have fun. I supervised while Greg gathered all the discs (hidden in video game cases) while Mike made sure the email was completely deleted from his laptop.

When we were done, we got back into the car, and told the girls what had happened. We started to drive back to my house, confident that a great weekend was ahead.
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