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Old 11-02-2019, 01:20 PM   #20
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I was assigned this thread as part of a lost Vs. thread

So my first roll was a three which meant a pair of panties that had been soaked in egg. So already a messy start and since I knew a lot of things would be going down those underwear I picked a air of my sturdier underwear. The egged underwear actually felt really gross. They are boy cut so they naturally give you a bit of a wedgie and I prefer them tighter as otherwise they have a tendency to ride down. So the slimy egg was really noticeable and of course some of it was running down my legs. I guess I could have cooked them, but that wouldn't have been as much fun so. Slimy egg panties it was.

For my next rolls I got 2 and 6 so pancake batter and cottage cheese. The pancake wasn't bad but of course it was runny so very very messy the cottage cheese that went down the front was absolutely disgusting. I hate everything about cottage cheese and I hated the feeling of it. Then I rolled a 4 which meant chocolate milk. Cold but not bad and it was over quickly. Then I waited ten minutes I hate waiting but it felt in order with the dare.

For the first roll of lunch I got 6 which meant Ketchup, Mustard, and Relish. Other than making an even bigger mess no big deal. Then I got five Which meant chili which was a bit messier. Thankfully I don't do spicy chilli so no big problem. So then I cleaned up as best I could and Then i rolled a two which was good as I got to clean out my underwear a bit. Kind of gross but i added it to the bucket. And moved on to dinner. This time I got one so two cans of Spaghettios. I dumped them over my head and have always enjoyed the sensation of something dripping down my body so this was fun though I'm sure I looked quite a sight by them especially with the little pasta hoops sticking to me in places.

Then it was time for dessert and this time I got unlucky. My first roll was a six which meant a fruit pie and my second roll was another six which meant a re-roll and since I was doing this as part of a forfeit I decided I should probably do both pies. So I went with a cherry and a blueberry mostly for the color contrast and they are amongst my preferred flavors. I did both over my head and against rather enjoyed the sensation of the clumpy fruit dripping down my body along with the cool of the whipped cream. For my reroll I got a three which since Im a girl I couldn't really do so I rerolled again and got a six. So that meant peanut butter and fluff. I like the feeling of peanut butter so that was fairly pleasant and then the marshmallow fluff wasn't that bad either.

Then it was time to clean up I got as much into my bucket as possible and then rolled and got a 4. I wasn't thrilled about this. Let's just say it wasn't the most inviting of mixture. All the condiments, the fruit pies, the fluff, hoops, peanut butter well it looked really gross and dunking my head head in was a very odd sensation as it was fairly thick and there was the chunky bits which made it feel extra gross and a lot of it really stuck to me so yeah. But i was glad I was done. And i have to say over all it was a fun messy dare
39 y/o F 5'11 44 dd, 250 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes

Likes: Messy, Embarrassment, Wedgies, Food play, Role play, Bondage, Spanking, Switching, Light pain play, Anal

Limits: Public, Pee, Poop, Lots of pain, Social suicide, Anything illegal, pictures, Stupid People

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