Thread: [FICTION] John's Slavery
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Old 03-16-2009, 06:18 PM   #38
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 199

FINAL part. Sorry, but it had to come eventually, and I could only keep this up so long.


John woke up alone. That was strange. He laid in the bed for a while, knowing that as soon as he was up, he would get ordered to do this, that, and the other thing. Eventually, he got up, and the door was locked from the outside of the room. What the fuck? Why was he locked in? He looked around the room. Nothing was different than it was last night. Computer was off, windows were locked, and his overnight bag was put in the corner. Then he remembered. His master left a note in his overnight bag.

He ran over to the bag, and found an envelope. Opening it up, he found a typed note. She obviously put time into it.


There is one thing that turns me on more than sex. This one thing has been your true purpose. This one thing is money. The mere thought of it gets me wet. I sold you off to friends so I could get rich. The fact that I had my own sex slave was great, but that wasn't the primary purpose. When I realized how fun it was to have you around, I got Michelle. Michelle does all the womens work, and pleases me just as well as you. I sell her a little, but mostly, shes my personal slave.

But this leaves me with a problem about what to do with you. At first I thought of keeping you for a few years, but I decided I could make more profit another way. I talked to some friends. One of them, agreed to buy you after seeing you. For an undisclosed amount, which I can assure you was rather large, she bought you off of me.

We worked up a contract and figured out all the fine details.

What she does to you is none of my business. The only deal we had was that she couldn't fuck you until you were fully paid off. Today is the day she gives me the last $300 dollars towards you. You are now hers. She is proofreading this note and everything to make sure I do not pull any fast ones. Every inch of you now belongs to her. Every picture and video of you, even if its with someone else, now belongs to her. There is a memory stick filled to its max with files of you sitting by the computer. Do not lose or forget this stick, because it is a sign of your slavery. I am only allowed to keep half a gig of photos, photos which I will be enjoying every now and then. Every possession of yours that I have taken, including but not limited to boxers and other articles of clothing, are now hers as well, and are currently in a bag under the bed. I can still visit you, for free, but only with her permission first. So this will not be the last you see of me. But believe me, you will be seeing much more of her than you ever saw of me.

Alyssa is your new master. Today at 1 o clock she will come in, unlock the door, and have an hour in this house to help transition you into her slavery.

You have been a great slave, and I expect you to stay a great slave to your new master.


John was dumbfounded. He read the note over. Was this really happening? He looked for the clock. It was eleven. He had only two hours to soak this all in. He wished he had one more chance to see his master, but judging by this note, he wouldn't see her until she came to visit him. Deep down, he always knew she loved money more than him, but he refused to believe it.

As the time rolled by, his mind tried to analyze the situation. On the plus side, Alyssa was the girl he was most attracted to, and he could not wait to fuck her, and hoped she would do it tonight. But this was also a crazy change. What type of master would she be? He knew she was a huge tease. Would she still be a tease when he was a slave? He also knew how confident she was. This would drive him crazy and make him want her so bad.

He sat naked on the bed waiting for time to pass. Soon it was 12:30 and he got anxious. He had an almost constant boner from this situation from the moment he woke up. He thought back on all the times he had. From the moment he first talked to Marie, from the truth or dare game with Jamie and friends, from the first time he fucked his master, to the first girls he fucked, to more recent events, like being naked in the girls room. He thought of Jamie in the woods. He thought of the first night he met Alyssa. So much had happened in the past few months. Now, so much more was going to happen.

12:55 came. With five minutes left, john couldn't sit still. He couldn't stop thinking of what would come next. He needed it to come.

1:00 came. No alyssa. Where was she? He couldn't wait a minute longer.

1:02. Still no alyssa. How could she be late?!

1:05 finally he heard someone come into the house. He heard them walk up the stairs. He heard the door unlock. Alyssa opened the door.

She was dressed in all black, with a black miniskirt and a black tank top. Her hair was in a pony tail, and she carried a backpack.

"Hello slave, i assume you read the letter?"

John looked at her and stuttered out "yes".

"normally I would yell at you for not calling me master, but you haven't read your contract yet. In fact, we should get on that now."

She opened up the backpack and pulled out a thin, black collar and a piece of paper.

John began to read it.

In signing this paper, I agree to be a mere slave to my master. I agree that I am worth nothing, and that my masters pleasure is paramount. I agree that no matter what my master says, I will do it without question. I know that my master is my god, my lover, and my only true friend, and I will treat her as such. I agree to be available all the time, any time, for any extended period of time. I agree to do any chore, no matter how gross, and to do any errand. My life is just in service to my master.


John signed his name. Then he flipped the page over, and saw another page stapled to it. He began to read it. It was a set of rules.

1. Your life is no longer a slavery. It is a servitude. You will serve me and only me and do whatever I please.
2. You will refer to me as Master or any other name I desire.
3. Your name is no longer John, but slut, slave, or whatever I call you.
4. Whatever I want you to do, you will do.
5. Whatever I want you to wear, you will wear.
6. You will drive me where I please, and do any errand I please.
7. All your money and possessions are now mine.
8. You are my slave and servant until I say otherwise. Believe me, it will be a long time, so get used to it.
9. You will love me unconditionally.
10. You will neither think of nor touch any other girl unless I give you permission.
11. Any rule I choose to add can be added at my will.
12. Failure to follow these rules or any future rules results in the release of some of the pictures and videos of you throughout your school and to exes and friends. You will give me Emails, facebooks, and other contact information to assure that this is possible.
13. When around me and until I tell you to take it off for public places, you will wear a collar. This collar will be the symbol of your slavery, and cannot be taken off by anyone but me. The key will be kept on a chain around my neck.

Sign Here as "Alyssa's Worthless Slave"


John signed. He would do anything right now to fuck this girl. He needed to do it. But he knew better than to ask. His months of training with Marie have lead up to this.

Alyssa laughed after he signed. "I can't believe you are finally my slave. On your knees bitch, time to wear your collar, then we can fuck, if I let you touch my perfect body."

John got on his knees.

"do you realize that by wearing this collar, you have officially become my slave and will serve me for an unknown amount of time?"

"I do."

"Do you realize that every centimeter of you will belong to me, and i will be able to abuse you until you bleed but also pleasure you beyond belief?"

"I do."

"Do you want to wear my collar?"

"I do."

"I will ask once more, and this will be the last chance to save yourself from this servitude. Do you want to wear my collar?"

John thought for a second. This was probably just for show, he knew he was her slave and there was nothing he could do about it. But at this moment, there was nothing he wanted more.

"I do."

Alyssa took the collar, put it around his neck,and locked it.

John's slavery had ended. John's servitude had begun.

Here is my story, John's Slavery
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