Thread: Fiction: Bedwetter's Camp
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Old 01-05-2011, 01:22 PM   #6
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Sport Football Chapter 4

Well I'm glad you like it Diapered Slave
I'm exhausted today. Here's another chapter
Forgive me if the name Will is uncapitalized sometimes, i might not have caught them all.

Chapter 4

Sarah knew before she completely woke up that she had wet the bed. She could tell, just because she had been thinking about it last night. She resignedly slid out of bed and began her routine. Shower, sheets and clothes in the washer, breakfast, school. She breezed through her exams, and went out to lunch and to hang with her friends again. They celebrated their release into summer, and Sarah told will about her little problem, and let everyone know where she was going for a week this summer. Mike acted as though she hadn’t told him first so Mary wouldn’t get mad. Sarah noticed, and mentally made a reminder to thank him for that. But she opened up to her friends and everyone was supportive and chill, no teasing or anything. She felt a rush of gratitude towards her friends and instigated a group hug. They hung out until about 9 that night before parting with promises to hang that week. Sarah opted to walk home with Mike, even though it was a full mile from Mary’s. They walked, hand in hand, until they got to Sarah’s backyard. "You’ve been spending as much time as me on this hammock lately Mike." Sarah pointed out with a laugh. "Well then I guess I shouldn’t break that streak." as he leaned in for a kiss. They relaxed under the few visible stars and Sarah pulled Mikes underneath her Mayday Parade t-shirt. "Thanks for being surprised back there Mike. It made Mary feel much better than if you hadn’t. As a reward..." and he gently rubbed and caressed her boobs through her bra as the couple lay there in the fading light. Soon Mike had to go, and with a kiss and reluctant goodnight he slipped back towards his house. Sarah walked in the front door and her parents never knew that she’d been in the backyard getting to second base. She smiled to herself as she readied herself for bed. Mike was the perfect guy for her, and they both knew it. She drifted off to sleep thinking of him.
Will and Mary got off at 1230, so Sarah and Mike got to sleep in before they grouped for lunch and the pool. As they shed t-shirts and shorts for swim suits, Sarah got exactly what she had wanted- Mikes frame was average height with no fat, a 125lb 5'9" pole vaulter with abs so toned they could be sprayed on. Will was no fat ass either, a 5'7" 140 with some arm strength. Mary was almost a looker in her two piece that was just large enough to pass her moms standards. It showed off her average boobs and her tight ass. Mary was moderately hot, but she never dressed to attract guys, preferring her kid glasses and bright colored modest t-shirts. She also could get annoying sometimes, but her friends stuck by her. Sarah always felt out of place in a bikini, but she figured Mike would enjoy the show, and she had to admit that her boobs didn’t look small at all. Mary also told her that her small-ish ass looked great in one. Mike grinned, then donned a pair of dark sunglasses and walked down towards the pool. He always kept his tan long, and was about as tan as many people are by the end of summer. Many girls stared, but quickly looked away when he grabbed Sarah by the hand and pulled her towards the water’s edge. "No! I like to get in slowly!"
"No time baby!" he kissed her quickly, and jumped in, pulling her towards the water before letting go so she wouldn’t be dragged in. She took a breath and joined him in the pool, shuddering as the cool water met her skin. She swam to Mike as will and Mary joined them with twin splashes. They played around, talked, swam, and floated until they were all shivering. They piled out of the water and set up towels in a circle on the ground, maybe 50 yards off from where the lawn chairs were set up. They decided to play some truth or dare. Mike, not even fazed by the cool water slowly drying off his suit and body, volunteered to take the first one. Will asked him the age old question -'Truth or Dare?' Mike took a dare, and will dared him to kiss Sarah. A tame early dare, Mike knew from experience. However, he would take any excuse and rolled onto Sarah’s towel. They kissed for a while, then they surfaced and Mike asked if will was satisfied. He was, and Mike stayed with his arms wrapped around Sarah as he asked Mary 'truth or dare?'
'Uhh... When was the last time you wet yourself?'
Sarah squeezed his arm tighter, but he held on to her with a reassuring hand.
'Shit. October. I couldn’t get my house key out and then I burst into the house as I burst into my jeans. Thank god no one was home...there. Uh Will truth or dare?'
'Balls. If I say truth I get that question, but if I say dare I might have to kiss Mary. Dare. I’ll take my chances.'
'Ooh. Tempting. But what I really need is a back rub. Go Will!'
'Fine. Thank god we found this spot, practically no one is close enough to see or hear us.' he sat up and began to gently massage Mary. She untied her bikini top so will could get around the lines, and he got a little miffed about that. But he kept on with the dare, knowing this was only the beginning. After he was done he began to ask Sarah, when the speakers at the pool told everyone half hour to closing before the night swim session. The kids got a ride back to Will’s as his parents were in the city. Now, he asked Sarah 'truth or dare?'
'Who was your first kiss and what was it like?'
'My first kiss was with Mike' as she slid over next to him, ‘and it was one day when we were walking home, he just spun
me around and we kissed. It was perfect. Now, Mary. Truth or dare?'
'Chicken! Fine. Umm...have you been kissed?'
'Oooohh! Haha no that’s fine. You haven’t found a good guy yet.'
'Great for you Sare. Uhh I guess Mike truth or dare?'
'I'll take a truth.'
'Then I’ll shoot you your question back at you.'
'Ok. I wet my bed last July. Had a dream I was going to the bathroom, and I was. Now Will- truth or dare?'
'I'll just take the question. April, I was watching orphan with my cousin and the chick jumped out and I lost it. All in his bed, it was bad. There.'
'That actually wasn’t going to be my question but thanks for that. What was your first kiss, if you’ve had it yet?'
'That’s bullshit. I answered a legit question...oh well. I’m a lip virgin too.'
'You and Mary should!' Sarah chimed in. 'then you’d both be kissed!'
'No thanks.' said will. Mary looked dejected. Mike knew what he had to do.
'Ok, you don’t have to dude. It was a suggestion. It’s your turn.'
'Thanks man. Sarah- truth or dare?'
'Alright. How far have you gotten?'
'Second base. Mary- truth or dare?'
'Wait the fuck? You did?'
'Yeah. Now pick one!'
'Whoa rebel! Uh dare.'
' I dare you to not go to the bathroom until I say so.'
'Oh that’s cold...alright ill try. Mike truth or dare?'
'did you go to second base with Sarah?'
'No it was my evil twin. Yes I did.'
'Yes. You’ll get over it. Will truth or dare?'
'I'll be the man here and take a dare.'
'I dare you to kiss Mary.'
"Dammit man. I trusted you. Let’s get this over with Mary.' they awkwardly turned towards each other and they kissed, Mary dragging it out an extra few seconds before they broke apart. An awkward silence was broken by Mike and Sarah cheering and they smiled a little and moved on. Will asked Mary, and she said truth. Will asked "did you plan that?"
Mary answered "no, but I’m glad we did. Sarah, truth or dare?"
"Dare. Lay it on."
"Alright. I dare you to hold it until I say so. Now were even."
"Fine. I’m good. Mike. Your turn!"
"Pick one baby I don’t care."
"Alright. I dare you into this contest too."
"Ok. Will you’re up. Truth or dare!"
"I guess I’m in on this contest too. But let’s stop truth or dare for it and go play some video games and stuff. Loser has to drink a can of soda every round. Good plan?"
Everyone agreed to go with it, and five games of Mario kart wii left Mary with two sodas, Sarah will and Mike with one. They switched to cards, and every hand you lost in poker was a sip. Betting was on how many sips to take. Mary evened it up, and soon will was crashing and burning. Mike and Sarah were holding their own. Eventually will gave up and quit, rushing down to his bathroom. Now it was Mike, Sarah, And Mary left. Mary had lost the most, and was soon squirming. Mike was fine, but Sarah was also near the edge. Soon, Sarah gave in and went to the bathroom. She lost a little and a tennis ball sized wet patch was visible, but it was better than nothing. Now it was Mike and Mary, who were both fierce competitors at everything. But Mary had the smaller bladder, and clearly would lose. But she didn’t give up, until Mike told a joke about their English teacher. Sarah and will started cracking up, but Mary started dying. Abruptly she stopped laughing and looked down, where she noticed the spreading wet spot grow from a spot to a deluge. She didn’t move or try to stop it, just let it go as she sat in awe. Mike ran down to the bathroom seeing as he won, and then they all cleaned up the mess made by Mary. Will gave her some boxers and shorts, and Mary left her jeans out to dry in the bathroom. They talked, laughed with Mary about it, and had a good time until it was time to go home, and they left wills. Mike kissed Sarah goodbye at her door, and she walked inside. She showered. And in the shower she masturbated to celebrate the end of school. She went to bed satisfied.

Alright. that was a long one
thats what she said
No but seriously i hope someone enjoys it
BTW i used the football cause i won 50 bucks in my football pool for the season. 138 games correct with the spread WOO!
alright. time to sleep. have a nice rest of the week
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