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Old 01-20-2009, 07:30 AM   #71
getDare Succubus
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Default Part 39 - For Our Friends V - Truths and Dares [Jim]

Brad got up and retrieved his laptop and set it in the middle of the room. Mostly everyone knew the program which was running. Some time ago, Barry had designed a random dare generator. I had played with it twice so far, the first time with the entire group at our first get together, the second time with only Sarah and Jennifer. It had levels of involvement which you could select. We'd already decided that this game would be involved up to the point before sexual intercourse. This had been discussed with mostly everyone.

Brad explained how we were going to proceed with this one.

"Everyone in turn will get both a truth and a dare. Now the dare might involve someone else, but that someone will be determined randomly by the computer. I input everyone's names for that purpose. We'll also go randomly around the players, just to be fair. Any questions."

Prissy raised her hand.

"You don't need to raise your hand."
"Okay... I was wondering just how involved we can get into these dares. I mean, it's been a while since I played, and we used to be really nasty."

I answered.

"We try to avoid nasty most of the time, and you can always refuse to do a dare."
"But if you do, you get a penalty," Brad replies.
"Like what?"

For a moment, I consider the possibilities.

"I suggest we do something cumulative."

Brad turns to me.

"How so?"
"Something along the lines of three strikes, you're out."
"Why? We're only going to do one round of dares anyway."
"I know, but because there are team stunts, people might get to refuse more than once."
"Okay yeah."
"Here's how I see it. You refuse once you strip naked. Refuse twice, we tie you up. Refuse three times... anything goes."
"Within reason," Jennifer adds.
"Of course."

Everyone considers my proposition and agrees with it. Brad takes control of the room.

"Great! Let's get started. First player up."

The computer randomly determines who goes first: it's Brigitte. She gets up, setting the tone for the other players.

"Hit me!"
"Truth first: Have you ever skinny dipped with anyone?"
"Yes I do. With Brad, all the time. I've done it with others too. Lots of times."
"And now your dare: If target player is willing, you must remove two items for every one item that player removes."

We check. The target player is Sarah. I smile. Brad speaks up.

"Don't throw your clothes too far. You'll need to get them back for the next game."
"If we get to the next game!" Jennifer says.

Everyone laughs. Brigitte looks at Sarah.

"Lead the way, lovely."

Sarah gets up and tosses her sandals off. Brigitte pouts.

"That's not fair, but all right."

She removes her high heels and then her stockings, reaching under her miniskirt to do so. Sarah considers her next move. She pulls her red camisole off above her head, revealing the green sports bra I knew she was wearing, and sticks her tongue out at Brigitte playfully. Brigitte is not the least disconcerted and reaching under her blouses, she pulls off her black bra without removing the blouse. Girls are so good doing that. She then reaches under her skirt and removes a black thong. She is effectively without any form of undergarment. Sarah hesitates for a moment: she is one item away from stripping Brigitte completely, but she sits back down. Brigitte seems disappointed but Sarah explains.

"Let's keep some for later."

The sexual tension in the room has already begun to rise. The playfulness of Sarah and Brigitte is contagious. Brad selects the next player to go. It is Claire, who also gets up.

"My truth is?..."
"Which nationality arouses you? Tell the group the reasons why?"

Claire ponders her answer.

"To be honest, I'm into caucasians, like me. Don't get me wrong. A gorgeous black woman, or an indian woman, I find them very appealing, but against my skin, during sex, I don't know. It feels more comfortable with someone whose skin is tan is the same as mine. That doesn't make a racist, does it?"
"Of course not," Cassie calms Claire down.
"And my dare?"
"Gently massage the legs and thighs of target player for the next four turns of the game! In this case, target player is... Jimmy."

Claire stares at Jimmy, who blushes.

"Uh... so... Do I have to take off my pants or what?"
"No you don't. Just come sit here, and I'll massage your legs."

Jimmy moves about and sits facing Claire; she moves him sideways and starts to massage his thigh. Jimmy seems relatively insecure but he says nothing. His gaze seems to avoid Thomas'.

Jennifer is then called up to the plate. I'm actually hoping she gets a stunt involving Sarah, but everything is random.

"Truth: if you were stranded on a desert island with one other player, who would it be and why?"

I see Jennifer struggling with this one. She is clearly hesitant. On the one hand, she wants to say Prissy, the girl she is currently dating. On the other, I sense she wants to make a rapprochement with Sarah, but can't bring herself to say it out loud. Eventually, she chooses.


No one is really surprised. I see Sarah staring at Jennifer.

"No offense to you, Prissy, but I don't know you well enough yet."

Prissy doesn't really seem troubled by the answer. I'm glad for that. Sarah's focus is strictly on Jennifer. The next words may or may not be the ones to heal their rift. I'm hoping they are or, if not, at least that they'll help.

"Sarah is... my best friend. She's known me forever, she knows all my secrets, and she knows I care for her deeply. She tolerates me, my imperfections and my many flaws. I don't get that from a lot of people. Frankly, if I had to spend my life in isolation, it would have to be her, because she would be the best person to keep me company in the long haul, just to keep me grounded and prevent from going insane from the loneliness."

Sarah is searching the meaning of these words to find something she can use against Jennifer, but so far, she seems to be coming up empty. Jennifer hurriedly moves away from the topic by turning to Brad.

"My dare?"
"Your dare is: exchange an article of clothing of your choosing, with target player as fast as you can. In your case, with Bonnie."

Jennifer and Bonnie look at each other. They silently consult themselves. Once they're ready, Brad gives them the go-ahead. They start removing their skirts. Jennifer slides her black short skirt off quickly, revealing a yellow thong that matches with her yellow top. Bonnie struggles a little with her black knee eskirt. She'S wearing white non-revealing panties. They finish the manoeuvre by putting on the other's skirt, while we watch and smile at their akwward spectacle.

Cassie is up next. She dances a little as she stands.

"I'm ready. Truth me."
"Truthing: Have you a special location you would like to make love to someone special?"

she smiles shyly.

"Yes. And you know the special someone."

Claire smiles, then seems serious.

"I hope it's me."

We all laugh at her joke. Cassie continues.

"I've always wanted to go into a waterfall; under the waterfall."

The image of them is not only erotic but so romantic. I feel my face blush. I'm getting stimulated myself. Even Sarah lets go of her anger for a moment.

"That's a nice image, Cassie."
"Aha! It is."
"And for your dare: while blindfolded, drop your pants and underwear; anyone in the room can visually examine your sex."

I see Cassie shivering. I've seen her naked before but it's been quite a while.

"Where's the blindfold?"

I toss it to her. She places it above her eyes. As people start to move about.

"Remember people, just peeking. No touching."

Cassie unbuttons her blue jeans, revealing red panties underneath. She pulls everything down at once, leaving it around her ankles and then she straightens herself. We see her shivering lightly. At first, no one moves. Then, Brad goes over in front of her and stares at her crotch.

"Spread your legs a little."

Cassie does her best to reveal a little more pink. Jennifer grabs Prissy and they both go take a closer look. Sarah motions to me to go; I'm reluctant to do so but she insists. I wait my turn, going after Brigitte. I get to my knees and stare at Cassie's sex. It is relatively swollen, I see small bits of wetness on her lips. Her smell is both weird and intoxicating. I want to kiss it but I hold back. Only Thomas and Jimmy don't participe in this stunt. Once we're done, Cassie pulls her clothes back up. She is extremely excited.

"Who's next, Brad?"
"Why, James, it's Thomas. Come on down!"

Thomas seems to be in a slightly better mood than earlier. I turn to him.

"Does it still hurt?"
"No. It's good. Come on Brad. Surprise me."
"Truth first: Have you ever paid for sex?"

Thomas is somewhat taken aback by the question.

"I have to say... yes, with a twist."
"With a twist. I mean, it wasn't implied when we started, but I met this guy two years back, maybe. A one-night stand. I didn't actually pay for the sex, you know, it just sort of happened."
"Sort of happened?"

Sarah wants to know more, but Thomas seems a little shy about the incident.

"How does sex just happen?"
"Well, we got pretty drunk, and we headed back to his place, and we were joking about, and he said he'd give me a blowjob for something. Now, it was sort of a game, but I gave him twenty bucks. And it turns out, I got more than a blowjob."
"That's a story."

Brad smiles as he takes back the floor.

"Ready for daring?"
"You know I am."
"Have any two players kiss your bare bottom."

Everybody stops.

"And who are the lucky players? They are... Bonnie and Prissy."

Thomas shrugs and turns around, pulling his pants down to moon everyone. Prissy moves forward, amused and is joined by Bonnie.

"Welcome to the ass kisser's club, Prissy."
"I'm already a member, thanks."

And they both plant wet kisses on Thomas' bare bum. He is tickled by it but holds on. The girls return to their position and he pulls his pants back up. Thomas laughs as he turns back towards us.

"These games are silly."
"But they're fun!"

Everyone agrees with Cassie's comment. The next one up to bat is Sarah. As she stands, she winks at me. I wink back. She seems to be in better spirits as well. Hopefully the game is helping everyone's mood.

"Yes Sarah?"
"How often do you masturbate a week?"

Sarah laughs.

"Ah! Easiest question ever. Five or six. That's in addition to the sex."

It's true. I know Sarah masturbates every time she takes a bath, once every other day. I often find her masturbating in bed as well, before I join her.

"Dare me, Brad."
"I will. You have to: strip naked target player. In this case: Jennifer!"

There is a moment of pause, where I can actually hear the heartbeat of the universe.

"Well, if I must. Jenn?"

The world resumes at an alarming pace. Jennifer is standing up; Sarah has walked up to her and stares her down. Then, Sarah reaches for Jennifer'S yellow top, pulling it off without ceremony, exposing her ample breasts. Sarah gets down to her knees and removes Jennifer's sandals one at time, relishing in the partial humiliation she is inflicting her best friend. Jennifer has closed her eyes. I can only imagine what she is thinking.

Sarah reaches for the skirt, Bonnie's black knee skirt which Jennifer is now wearing. The skirt comes off, revealing the yellow thong. Sarah grabs the edges of the thong, plays with it for a moment, then pulls it off, almost tearing it off Jennifer. Sarah then stands up and faces Jennifer, who opens her eyes.

"You're stripped now."

The entire confrontation was both agressive and intensely erotic. I'm not the only to think so. Jennifer is doing her best to hold herself in check and not pounce. I can sense her desire to do the same to Sarah, to have sex with her immediately. But I also know that Sarah, even if she wishes the same, won't let Jennifer back in so easily. The healing process may be on its way, but I sense the bumps in the road ahead.

Everyone is staring at the centre of the circle. Sarah and Jennifer are standing face to face. Sarah is fully clothed except for her top; she only sports a green bra. However, Jennifer is fully naked, mere inches from her best friend with whom she is estranged. The antagonism between these two is like an aphrodisiac to everyone. Sarah is not backing away; Jennifer is standing motionless, humiliated and stripped, and reveling in her situation.

Thomas' strong voice brings us back to reality. It is the first Thomas has made his presence truly felt in the night.

"Thank you Sarah, Jenn, you can sit back down now."

I sense Sarah on the brink of tears. The anger she has swelling up inside her is slowly giving way to guilt, but she still won't let go. Jennifer, on the other hand, is stoic and unemotional as she returns to Prissy's side. Prissy places her hand over Jennifer's shoulder. Brad picks up the relay from Thomas.

"Okay... let's see who goes next."

It takes him a moment fumbling the computer, at which time I can examine Sarah a little more thoroughly. She is extremely aroused; I see the tips of her hipples through the heavy bra cloth.

"Next up: Jimmy."

Jimmy is possibly the most oblivious person to what is going on, and I'm glad for it. His nonchalance lightens the mood in the room. By now, Claire has stopped massaging Jimmy's thighs.

"Fine. Let's go."
"Truth, Jimmy. What size was the largest penis you ever held?"

The question hits me like a ton of bricks: of all the random questions, why did it have to be this one? Sometimes, I think fate plays a strange hand with us. Jimmy doesn't seem fazed at all.

"Ten inches."

Everyone stares at him with a little shock, even Thomas. We know it's not Thomas', he's shorter than that. It doesn't belong to anyone in the room, clearly.

"Can we have details?" Barry inquires.
"Sure. T'was Ways back. Some dude I knew back then... we use ta joke around a lot. Anyways, some point, we compared. He was huge. Said he wanted to do porn. Anyways, we got to jerk each other off."

As the rumor dies down after the revelation, Brad hits Jimmy with his dare.

"Gently stroke any erogenous zone of target player."

Random determination targets Barry, who seems equally surprised. He gets up and walks over to Jimmy.

"Do I have to take off my pants?"
"It doesn't say so, so no."

Jimmy nonchalantly rubs Barry's crotch for a full minute. Barry doesn't really seem to mind, but he does blush at the notion of us watching him. Eventually, he returns to his seat. Jimmy doesn't affected one way or another. As Barry is sitting back down, he gets called up to the plate, so he remains standing. He gets his truth.

"Have you ever fantasized about watching a partner or close friend having sex with someone else?"
"Oh absolutely. I love seeing Bonnie go at it, whether it's with me or someone else. It drives me wild to see her having fun, having an orgasm, being able to witness it. Sometimes I'd actually like to film."
"Well, you know how I feel about that."
"Yeah, I know."

They kiss. I can see Barry has a hard-on under his pants. Brad assigns his dare.

"Select another player of the same sex and perform an erotic dance with them."

As it turns out, I'm the one called out to do the dance. I get up and move towards Barry, somewhat shy. I remember my visit to Jimmy at the gym, the initial awkwardness and then the feeling of familiarity. I'm hoping to find that with Barry. He must sense that I'm a bit nervous.

"It's cool, man."

He wraps his arms around me and does most of the motion, moving his body in front of me. I can't help but stare into his eyes. His hands slide across my arms, along my sides and my thighs. I eventually try to emulate his moves, but they don't feel comfortable, so I simply sway to his rhythm. As he gets back up, he starts kissing me on the neck; his lips send shivers down my spine, and I sincerely do not know if I'm aroused or intimidated. He finishes his dance by rubbing his lips gently against mine. We kiss slightly. My tongue slips along my own lips and along his. He pulls his tongue out a little and we kiss. I pull away. The sensation is too intense at the moment. Barry understands and stops.

I notice everyone's stares on us. Barry is smiling, already dismissive of what just happened. It helps me deal with it as I return besides Sarah. My heart is racing and I am turned on, despite the relative unease surrounding the dare. Fortunately, it's still Brad's responsibility to keep the game going.

"Jim, you ready for this? You're up."

I say that but I do not feel entirely myself at the moment. I'm apt enough to fake it though.

"Your truth: have you ever had sex with another person while your partner watched?"

At least I know the answer to this one.

"Yes. More than once."

Brigitte is inquisitive. She wasn't present during the final spring break activity of she would know.

"Yes. Five times?"

I look at Sarah for confirmation.

"Well... the four girls and... and Jenn."
"Oh right."

Everyone seems impressed. This is the second I've had such a reaction tonight. I guess I have come a long way. Then again, I don't want to dwell too much on spring break. It happened, there's no denying it, but I want to move forward from there, not look back. I'm already feeling better.

"And my dare?"
"Target player removes as many items of clothing as they want. You must remove as many as them. They may put your clothes back on themselves."

As it turns out, the target player is Brad. I look at him, wondering how mean he is going to be with me. I sense a malicious streak building up inside him. I know beforehand I'm getting naked.

Brad got up and immediately removed his black t-shirt. I removed my dark green open shirt. His movements were swift, non-erotic. He was removing items of clothing, not putting on a show. But there a shock. He was wearing a black bra. Everyone stared.

"What? Don't you need support?"

We all laughed hysterically for a minute or so.

"Why are you wearing a bra?"

He turned to Brigitte.

"You can tell them."
"She makes me wear one."

Again, laughs. But we all knew about their unique relationship so it was not that surprising. The bra eventually came off; so did my green t-shirt. We were not both topless. Brad then tossed off his sneakers; I removed my shoes, undoing the laces to take them off. That's when we realized Brad was also wearing stockings. What should have been my humiliation was turning into his. I felt sorry for him but he did not seem to mind.

The stockings came off, so my green socks had to go as well. We were now down to pants. His dark green pants hit the floor; my brown pants followed. He wore a black thong: I had boxers of the same color. We both were half-erect and in our current suits, it was clearly visible. Brad hesitated, then decided against going any further. He retrieved my brown pants and my open shirt and put both on.

I sat back down in my underwear. The laughter from seeing Brad in bra and stockings subsided. He returned to the computer to assign the next player. There were only three left. It turned out to be Bonnie. She got her truth.

"Tell all the players your most favourite sexual WORD, out loud!"
"One word? Hmm... COCK!"

She laughed as she said it. The dare came up next.

"Have a threeway kiss. The other players are... Prissy and Brad."

Prissy turned to Jennifer, which brought my attention back to her. Jennifer seemed distant but she gave permission for Prissy to participate. Bonnie got up and looked at Prissy, then Brad.

"It's been a while since we kissed Brad."

Bonnie leaned into Brad and kissed his mouth, swallowing his tongue in hers. Prissy waited her turn. Bonnie pulled her in, and her tongue mingled with theirs in a highly erotic fashion. Bonnie pulled back; Prissy and Brad remained locked together a few moments more, then Bonnie pulled Prissy in to her and kissed her. My hard-on returned and it was impossible to hide it, given that I was in my underwear.

The kiss died and everyone returned to their places. Jennifer kissed Prissy; Bonnie kissed Barry; Brigitte kissed Brad, who then returned to the computer.

"Now it's either me or Prissy. The computer says... me. Prissy, you'll be last."
"So what's my truth?"

The computer generated one randomly.

"What is the meanest punishment you ever received, and what was it for? This question is for me."

We all stare at Brad, awaiting his answer.

"One time, with Brigitte, I wasn't cooperating at all. I was stubborn and arrogant. She got me to strip naked, whipping me all along. She then gave me a blowjob until I was hard; she wrapped a ring around my dick, and it hurt when I stopped being hard, as it pulled back. She tied my hands to the wall, leaving me there for a few hours, coming back once in a while to slap me silly. At one point, she even burnt a cigarette into my flesh."

I listen to them and somehow am not as turned on as I was by the kiss. Others are reacting more favorably than I am.

"It was amazing."
"And he learned his lesson."
"I sure did."

I take the computer from Brad.

"I'll finish from here. Your dare is: Show by example, using target player's finger how you would give a blow job!"
"Whose finger?"

Thomas suddenly speaks.

"Does it have to be my finger?"

Everyone laughs. Brad smiles at Tom.

"Come on, bring your beautiful self over here. I'd blow you right now but that's not the dare."
"I know."

Brad grabs Thomas' index and starts licking it, slowly, putting it into his mouth. Thomas plays along with it. My stare turns to Jimmy. He seems to be looking away, but in reality he's looking around the scene. I see his hand resting on his crotch. Maybe it's nothing.

Brad finishes his display, laughing it off. Thomas returns to his place. Prissy jumps up.

"Me now!"
"Yes, Prissy. You. Answer this truth: if a close friend asked you to video tape them having sex with their partner, would you?"
"Absolutely. Without hesitation. I'd let myself be videotaped too, if I knew where the video was going. Just so you know."

She smiles playfully. I hit the dare button.

"Strip, and serve a round of drinks to the group in the nude, taking orders first."
"Who's thirty?"

Prissy starts disrobing without any further ado. Her blouse and camisole hit the floor; as I suspected, she's not wearing any bra. She goes for her tight leather pants and removes them without haste; she then pulls off her white thongs but keeps her sandals.

She poses for a moment and heads for the drinks table.

"What will everyone have?"

For a moment, I'm seeing double. Jennifer and her are both naked, and despite their physical differences, their attitudes are echoed in the other. It's a strange feeling, since I've already had sex with Jennifer. It makes me feel like I've already been intimate with Prissy. She collects orders, prepares drinks and brings them to everyone.

I gaze about the room. Most of the initial tension is gone. Jimmy seems relaxed. Tom is smiling. Sarah is barely focusing on Jennifer now; once in a while she stares at her naked form and I think she is revisiting their past together. Jennifer is calmer, more reserved but Prissy is there alongside her. Seeing them naked here gives a great mental picture of them in bed.

Brad calls the end of that game, and everyone reclaims their clothes. But I know it's not over. The next game we have planned will possibly be much more intimate, it not downright sexual to some extent. I must admit to being a little scared as to its outcome. Still, this is having the appropriate effect on the people for the moment. This might actually work. I pray it does.
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