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Old 01-11-2009, 01:57 AM   #62
getDare Succubus
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Default Part 32 - The Matching Game II - Night Out II [Prissy]

When we get to the car, we quickly climb in: Cassie in the driver's seat, me behind her, Claire in the passenger's seat and Jennifer behind her. Cassie gets the car rolling.

"Okay, first off, I know you're horny, Prissy, but you're going to have to earn your orgasm here."
"Earn my orgasm?"
"Yes. You'll have to perform a stunt - or possibly more - before we let you have what you need."

I try to think about what they can have me do, but my horniness gets the better of my judgement.

"Fine. Go."
"First, take off your underwear."

That's easy. I reach under my skirt and remove my lacy panties. Jennifer reaches for them but Claire intercepts them.

"Are you wet, Prissy?"

I put my fingers in my crotch and pull them away; they're all sticky.

"Oh yeah."
"Good. Let's roll."

We start driving.

"We're heading home Prissy, but we'll be making a series of detours."

Claire leans into Cassie, but Cassie cuts her off.

"No, honey, I got this one."

We get on the main street and start driving. Cassie seems to be in no hurry to get home. Claire makes herself insistent.

"Can I at least suggest something?"
"Stop by the park a few blocks from here."
"Great idea."
"Prissy, take off your sandals."

I carry out the order. We get to the park. All the while, I'm staring at Jennifer beside me.

"Jenn, are you up for a little game?"
"I'm always up."
"Take off your panties and sandals too."
"Done. I'm not wearing panties."

That comment, the idea of it, drives me wild. We exit the car. I step onto the grass very quickly. At this time, the park is closed and there isn't anyone near.

"What now?"
"You two are going to race. You see that table over there. You start here, run to the table, go under it, then come back over it. Whoever makes it here last loses an item of clothing. Understood?"

We agree to Claire's instructions.

"On your mark. Go!"

Jennifer races past me in a flash; she is extremely athletic and much faster than me. It becomes obvious from the start that she's going to win. I was half expecting it. She slows down when she gets to the table, as she has to crawl under it. I manage to catch up to her as we crawl over the table, but then she sprints back and returns to the vehicle before me.

"Our winner, Jennifer!"

She holds her hands above her head, triumphant. I remove my white shirt and toss it into the vehicle.

"What now?"

Cassie seems to be considering the question. She locks the car then tells us to follow her. We walk through the park to the large water fountain. It's not very deep, water is barely above our ankles.

"Okay, new game. Step into the fountain, ladies."

We move into the water. It's very cold.

"We'd better hurry up, just in case there's surveillance."

Claire's comment reminds us we're on park grounds after closing.

"Okay. Splash each other with as much water as possible."
"What's the game?"
"That's the game. Splash each other."
"Who wins?"
"We do, of course."

Cassie laughs.

"Seriously, once you're both good and wet, within a time limit, say, 10 seconds, Claire and I will evaluate how wet you each are; whoever is the driest wins. The other loses an item of clothing."

It doesn't look good for either of us. I have a skirt and camisole. She has a tank top and shorts. One of us is exposing herself after this is over.

Cassie gives the signal. We start splashing water over each other like crazy. There's a light that shines above the fountain, so we see what we're doing very well. Cassie calls the end of the game. We step out of the water and the girls examine us thorougly, touching our clothes to see how much water has been splashed. It takes them a few moments, then they concert with each other, before Cassie comes with the answer.

"Well, the truth is, we can't tell. So you both lose!"

I'm only half stunned at the turn of events. I stare at Jennifer. She's taking off her shorts. Not one to be outdone, I remove my skirt. We're both butt naked in the park. Luckily, no one's there.

"Come on, let's get to the car before someone spots us."

We hurry back to the vehicle. Claire confiscates our bottoms from us. We slide as quickly as possible into the vehicle. I remember the feel of the leather on my ass very vividly. I've already done crazy things in this car. What else do they plan on having me do in here?

As we start driving, my eyes wander to Jennifer's crotch. She shaves completely. I trim but I keep some hair above it, and a little around once in a while. I bite my lower lip. I want to taste her so bad. The alcohol is still somewhat in my system. It's hard to keep my hands away from my own crotch, but Cassie promised me release and so far she's always lived up to her word.

I still can't believe how easily I get pulled into these things; I'm in the backseat of the car, with no bottom on, a wet white camisole exposing my very shapely breasts and my nipples sticking out, besides an equally bottomless girl with equally showing breasts through her cloth. It was the same with Lucy, but at least here, I don't feel the same stress as I did. There's no sense of complication here on my part, and what happens between Claire and Cassie is none of my business.

We drive around town for a while. I cross my legs as to avoid any temptation. Jennifer does the same. We stop at a traffic light. It's downtown and there's a lot of noise coming from the nearby bars. Cassie talks to us.

"Okay, you two. You don't have to do this, if you don't want to."
"Just say it, we'll see."
"Okay then. Chinese fire drill."
"Next light is going to be red. You get out of the car, run around it and return to your place."

Neither of us states the obvious. We're butt naked.

"I'll give you the timing to go, so we won't be caught at the red light too long."

To be honest, I'm much more comfortable being bottomless than topless in public. I think Jennifer feels like me. We retrieve our sandals after getting permission to do so. The car starts moving for a hundred metres, then stops at a red light. I look to the road. There's a car at the intersection facing us, and there's a car coming up behind us. This is risky.

"You don't have to do it."

Claire insists. I look at Jennifer. We nod to each other. Cassie gives us our cue. Instantly, we jump out of the vehicle. I run around the front while Jennifer starts with the back. I don't even pay attention to what's going around me. I just keep moving, the cool air against my exposed skin, until I circle the vehicle and reenter through the same door. The light has turned to green and we're driving away. Cassie is laughing her ass off; Claire is a bit more reserved but still finds the scene funny. Jennifer and I are out of breath but smiling the whole time.

"That was excellent!"

The mood remains heightened.

"You know what, Claire?"
"What, honey?"
"I think Prissy's earned her reward."
"Maybe one more."
"What do you have in mind?"

Claire takes time to think.

"Prissy, how comfortable are you being naked in public?"
"Well, to be honest, I don't know. I think what we just did is as far as I've ever taken it."
"Fine... get us to the PrideCafe."

A gay bar. I went there once, with my former girlfriend. It was some time ago. The place has changed. The façade is different, but we don't make our way there. We enter a side street and park in the staff section. I'm curious.

"Stay in the car, we'll be right back."

Claire and Cassie exit the vehicle and head for the service entrance. It makes sense that they would know people here. I stare at Jennifer as we wait for them to return. It doesn't take long.

"Come on, hurry up."
"Our bottoms?"
"You don't need them."

It takes me a little shove from Jennifer to get me going, but we exit the car and race to the service entrance. I'm feeling extremely exposed, something I've rarely felt with such intensity. We enter through the crates and bottles. It's extremely drafty but fortunately there's no one there, that is, until we get further into the room. We freeze. A large man is there, facing us. We freeze.

"It's all right, girls. You're pretty looking, but I don't swing that way."

And he gives us a hearty laugh.

"This is Merrill. He's the stockboy, and a friend."
"I'd shake your hands but I don't know where they've been."

He laughs again. I turn to Cassie.

"What are we doing here?"
"Ask Claire."

I turn to her.

"It's relatively simple. I'm going to ask you to do a very public dare. You can get naked, you can keep your tops... you can even wear bags over your heads if you prefer."

Merrill intervenes.

"No cameras allowed inside, so no worries for snapshots, dolls."
"What do you expect us to do?"
"I want you to enter the bar and walk around the room. Merrill will accompagny you both so you're safe from anything."
"And what?"
"And nothing. That's it. Walk around the bar naked. Come back."

I turn to Jennifer.

"Have you ever done something like this?"
"Honey, you could fill this room with the things I've done."

And with that, she simply removes her top. I see her exposed breasts and I shiver. My instincts take over and I get naked as well.

"My, what a lovely escort you two make."

Merrill grabs our arms and starts dragging us away. I turn to him. He stands almost two heads taller than me.

"Are you sure this is safe?"
"Honey, these things happen all the time. I wouldn't be surprised that you're not the only naked people here."

Suddenly, it hits me. I stare at Jennifer's naked figure.

"You're a model!"

That's why I didn't recognize her. I'm not used to seeing her with clothes on.

"I am."

I don't have time to dwell on it any further. The door opens and we enter the bar. Throngs of people turn their gaze to us; I almost freeze, but Merrill's strong grip drags me forward. I'm walking around naked in a crowd of gays and lesbians. I've never been more turned on in my life. I see stares going across my body, as people cheer for me and Jennifer. Merrill parades us around. No one dares get close to us. We get 'I love yous' and other comments of the sort, some less civil than others, from both the men and the women. Our walk seems to last forever, when in reality, we're out there for less than two minutes, before retreating into the backstore, unharmed. Merrill was right. Some of the girls were topless in there as well.

"Come on, let's go!"

Claire and Cassie drag us back to the car. We're so excited we don't even bother dressing up, not that anyone can see. The rush is getting the better of me. I'm out of breath and I haven't done anything yet. We sit back down in the car. I try to recollect my senses. Claire stares at me, then talks to Cassie.

"Okay. They deserve their reward."

My hand instinctively reaches for my crotch, but Cassie's voice stops me.

"No. Here's how we're going to do it. You're going to lean into each other, putting your pussies together, and you're gonna trib."
"Rub your pussies together."
"We'll be at our place in a little under fifteen minutes. You have that much time to get yourselves off, but you can't use your hands."

I stare at Jennifer and for a moment I hesitate. I tend to get carried away and I need to get something straight first.

"No complications?"
"It means no complications, no engagement, nothing serious... just sex..."
"Okay. I can live with that."

I lean in and kiss Jennifer for a long moment, then we move about to position ourselves while the vehicle gets in gear. It's dark outside so the chances of anyone seeing anything are slim, not that I really care at this point. When Jennifer presses her crotch against mine, a jolt of energy surges through my backbone.

"Oh God!"

As best as we can, holding on to the seats with our hands, we start rubbing our pussies together. The sensation is intense, heightened by all the built up sexual tension. The girls have given us ten minutes to get our satisfaction from each other like this. At first, I figure it will be an easy task, given our respective states of arousal. Yet, the more I push myself against her, the harder it seems to orgasm. The car is not very comfortable. We're rubbing hard, then soft, then doing a circular motion, up and down, pushing against each other. Nothing seems to work. The sensation is great, wonderful even, but it doesn't provide us with the release we need.

I look outside the window and I see Cassie's apartment building. No! I will not be frustrated like this. I close my eyes, trying to picture my ex-girlfriend, the one girl I did care about. Her image switches to that of Suzy, but I chase that one away; I open my eyes and I see Jennifer panting heavily, experiencing her own orgasm. She drives me over the edge and I finally come, not a moment to spare as the car stops in the parking. I collapse on the seat.

Cassie is laughing.

"Wow! That sounded great... Keep some for later, honey."

I laugh too. I feel like I'm in high school again. My responsibilities have flown out the window and it feels great. I'm having sex like I'm still sixteen. I have to remind myself I'm not old. I'm barely twenty-two. I've been sexually inactive for so long I was in a rut - that's why it feels like being reborn. Cassie helped changed that. I'll be foverer grateful - at least until it's over.

Jennifer stares at me. For a moment, I get scared, expecting Lucy's stupid smile to appear on her face. But her face is calm. She is more mature. She's had other experiences with women. Good experiences. She's capable of dealing with this like a reasonable person. Good. I can live with that too.

"We'd better get inside the house. Your night is not over yet, ladies."

They hand us our clothes. We put on just enough so we won't be naked in public. Something tells me we're not going to need them much tonight. Something tells me that before the night is over, we'll have picked up everything we couldn't do the first time around, and then some.
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