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Old 11-29-2008, 12:20 AM   #26
getDare Succubus
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Default Part 19 - Spring Break V - FRIDAY I [Sarah]

The water hits my face and finishes stirring me from my restful sleep. It's been a while since I've slept so well. Last night, my boyfriend Jim and my best friend Jennifer had a sexual encounter together. I was there, of course, but it was mostly them doing the work, because I asked for it.

That may sound strange to you, but you have to understand that tensions have been building for weeks between those two, and I've been caught in the middle ever since. I take full responsibility for my actions. I was the one who initiated the chain of events that led to this yesterday. I am not the only guilty party, but I do accept that I played a hand in it and I assume the consequences.

As the water splashes on my body and rinses away the soap, so too have last night's events cleansed the air of all tension. I'm not saying everything is perfect, but I know that Jennifer and Jim have made up, for my sake as much as theirs, and that with their decision we can take our relationships where we want to take them. It is still not clear exactly where that is, and I still envision bumps down the road, but at least we'll be walking together, in the same direction.

My mind wanders for a moment as I try to think as to what they could have talked about the previous day to agree to let me be the guide for the relationship. That's how I feel. I've never felt so connected, so in charge, and on some level, it feels great. Jim trusts me enough to follow me wherever I go, and Jennifer cares for me enough to allow my pace to set the tone. I'm still not sure they didn't have sex before I got there, despite Jennifer's claims to the contrary. Jim seemed a little too at ease with the notion of Jennifer sucking him. Maybe they decided to get it out of the way before I returned. It's probably what I would have done.

Yesterday, before I read their letter, I would have minded. Now, I would be content with it.

There's also the fact that having aired out all of the issues and problems that our three-person relationship has caused, we can now talk about them openly and come up with solutions. I remember Jim's words about doing things together, and I recall having had the same thoughts many times over. It is about us, together. I was thinking last night that as long as everything was in the open, everything was said out loud, that Jim would be okay with mostly anything I did, and I'd be okay with his own actions.

Sure, it's easy enough to say. I have a feeling it will be an uphill battle, but I'm not alone. I know Jennifer is going to be there to assist us as well.

I'm so lucky.

As I step out of the shower, a towel wrapped around me, I get a surprise when Jim picks me up and drags me into the living room. I barely have time to see him. He has a hand on my mouth, so I don't say anything. When I get there, I notice that Jennifer is waiting, wearing her dominatrix suit, corset and black lacy underwear. What have they planned for me now?

Jim drops me on the couch, taking off my towel as he does so. I fall naked onto my ass. He's basically wearing nothing more than a g-string and a face mask. I'm surprised Jennifer has got him wearing the former. He dislikes the feel very much.

"What's going on?" I finally ask.
"Last night, you played a game and you won. We did what you wanted. This morning, you are ours to control. You will do our bidding or be punished."

This is reminding me very much of what I did with Brigitte, and suddenly, I'm thinking this is Jim's idea rather than Jennifer's. Maybe he enjoyed his experience with Brad a little too much. Jennifer speaks again.

"My other slave here will stand and supervise. If you fail to please your mistress, he will be the one punishing you."
"What would you have me do, mistress?"

This sounds fun, more fun than what I did with Brigitte anyways. I know Jennifer usually gets to the point quickly.

"Stand up straight, legs apart."

I get up from the couch and assume the position. I notice several toys and devices are on the other couch. I bite my upper lip in anticipation.

"Slave, retrieve the first device."

I've never seen this one - actually, I recognize the components but I've never seen the configuration. It's Jennifer's strap-on belt, but there's a small vibrator dangling from a rope. Jim walks over to me and ties the belt around my waist, then adjusts the vibrator at just the right height. The rope passes between my legs, between my cheeks. Jim ties the other end at the back of the belt. That idea can't be Jim's. Did they plan this yesterday as well?

"Very good, slaves. Sarah, you will get down on all fours on the couch, facing me."

I get into position. My face is exactly at her crotch level. She removes her panties and nears me.

"You will finger me until I come. But Sarah, you musn't come yourself."

I feel the vibrator held against my pussy turn on and start to pulsate. My hand reaches at Jennifer's sex. Jim goes to stand behind me, and slaps me on the right cheek.

"You are not allowed to speak. Slap her again!"

He does so. This time I hold it back. He's getting good at slapping. I feel the tension rise. I slide two fingers inside Jennifer; she remains stoic so far. Every so often, I get a slap on my right cheek. I bump forward every time.

"That is good, Sarah."

Jennifer is still acting like I'm not providing any stimulation, but her body is reacting to my touch. My mind wanders to Jim, behind me, still slapping me. I see his manhood sticking out of the g-string. What is he thinking of this? Is he getting off on it?

"You can do it now, slave."

Jim gets up and retrieves a dildo. I'm amazed at what's happening here, amazed at how much farther along Jim has gotten. We've been talking about things like this for weeks now. What happened yesterday that allowed him to step it up one notch?

Jim moves the vibrator slightly aside, then slides the dildo into me and starts pumping. The vibrator is still doing its work, but now Jim is aiding it. I can't hold it anymore. I manage not to scream, but it's obvious to everyone as I climax. I keep working Jennifer as I do so, but it's too late. She pulls away. The vibrator is turned off, but the device remains lodged in me.

"You failed, Sarah."
"I did. I'm sorry, mistress."
"You have to be punished now."

I'm actually anticipating the punishment now. Given Jim's new attitude, I have no expectations though. Anything could happen. Jim moves away and Jennifer takes his place behind me, and begins slapping my left cheek. She knows how to make it snap without inflicting too much harm. The device inside me is still tantalizing.

I look towards Jim and notice he's removed his g-string and is struggling to put on a condom. I find it odd because we don't use these since we're both clean and I take the pill. We also know Jennifer is clean, so I'm confused.

"My slave here is going to do something to you. Something you may not like."

An idea pops into my head that could explain the condom, but I hesitate to bring it up. Jim couldn't think of doing it, after all. I see him retrieving some lubricant and applying it to the condom. He's going to do it! We've talked about it, but Jim has always been shy, if not openly against it. Why is he willing to do it now?

"Are you sure we should be doing this?"

Whatever they talked about has opened up a lot of doors for Jim, and I'm even more curious. Jim moves behind me. I sense the vibrator turning back on. Jennifer lies on her back and starts playing with the dildo inside me, sliding it in and out. Jim comes behind me. It must be over a year since I've done anything like this. I hear Jennifer speak.

"Go slow."

I sense his covered shaft near my opening, and I try to relax, have it dilate as much as possible. It's never easy to enter; once it's in, it's usually okay. I've been meaning to try it with him, but his attitude was keeping the subject off the grid. He tries to push it in, but it doesn't slide as easily. Meanwhile, the vibrator and the dildo are working me over.

All of a sudden, I sense his shaft entering me. It hurts a bit and I cringe. I hear Jennifer telling him not to stop, to keep pushing, claiming that it will hurt less once it's in. She's guiding him through it. He manages to get part of himself inside me. They're both working me now, each in their own way. I close my eyes and endure the pain because I know the pleasure that will come later. The lubricant helps quite a lot, and I'm glad they were smart enough to use it. The sensation finally turns to pleasure. I'm being taken by my two favorite people in the world, in ways I never imagined possible. I'll take punishment like this any day.

I sense a throbbing in both my holes. I realize Jim is shooting into the condom. This is new to him, he's overexcited. I don't mind it's over. He keeps pushing in and out afterwards, but he is ejected very quickly by my muscles. It felt nice but not as much as what Jennifer is doing to me. She takes me over the edge one more time. I collapse onto the couch, spent, sweating - in need of another shower.

Jim is immediately at my side. He's removed the condom and tossed it aside. The smell isn't all that exciting, but seeing him there is okay. He removes the mask.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"
"No... You didn't. It was... nice. Unexpected."
"Who gave you permission to remove your mask, slave?"
"Jennifer, come on!"
"Sorry. You okay Sarah?"
"I am. Tired."

Jim seems extremely worried about me. I smile at him. It wasn't bad at all, it just wasn't the best. We tried it, it's done, I know my tastes haven't changed.

"Really, Jim. I'm okay."
"I wasn't sure we should do it, but Jennifer said..."
"I know what she said."
"You do?"

I smile at him, then bring him close to kiss him.

"You'll have to tell me what you two talked about yesterday."

They look at each other, acting as if they need to apologize for something.

"How much of this did you plan, anyway?"
"A lot."

Jennifer smiles.

"If you don't mind, you two have had your fun, but I could use some for me as well."
"Where are you going?"

I grab her arm and pull her onto the couch.

"I thought..."
"You thought wrong."

I pull the dildo out of my pussy and wave it in front of her. She lies on her back and I glide it into her, starting to slide it in and out at an increasing pace.

"Oh! Sarah..."

I look at Jim. He gets closer and starts to knead her breasts, then kiss them. It only takes a few moments for Jennifer to be in the throes of ecstasy. She pulls Jim in and starts kissing him passionately as I make her orgasm like she did me.

For a moment, I get a sense of dread. I then realize that everyone here is a willing participant. Not only that, but we're together. Jennifer, Jim and me. It's what we wanted. I don't know how long it can last but for the moment, it's good for us.

"I love you guys," Jennifer states.
"And I love you."

I lay on top of her, kissing her passionately. I then turn my head to Jim.

"And I love you too."

We kiss the same way.

"What? Oh! I love you girls too..."

His awkwardness makes us laugh. This is what I've wanted to happen. I'd like to do them both again, but I really need a shower, and we are expected on the beach.

I suddenly realize I have something to ask Jennifer, so I get it out of the way. She listens to my plight about Julie's request and immediately understands. We call to see if the place is available. Lo and behold! We get our reservation.

"It's all right if I come along, is it?"
"Of course!"
"What exactly is Julie planning?"
"Not entirely certain, but I'm sure it will be fun!"
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