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Old 11-15-2008, 11:49 AM   #17
getDare Succubus
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Default Part 15 - Spring Break I - MONDAY II [Sarah]

Dinner rolls around. The sun is starting to wane. Jim invites everyone over to his place. He's already prepared a fondue for us - which is why he was a bit late this morning. We get to his apartment. The table is already set; he takes out the plates of meat and vegetables, sets them on the table and starts the whole thing up. We're all famished from the days' exercise. My mind has been working the entire day on how to initiate a coming together for everyone. I have an idea that I want to try out, something tame for our first game. I'm still not very familiar with Jimmy and Brigitte.

When everyone has finished eating, I hand you pieces of paper and pen.

"Okay... if we're all going to be spending the week together, there are a few things we might want to know about each other. I promise, it's fairly uncomplicated. I'll ask questions... just write the number of the questions and your answer down.
"Fine. But what do we do with the answers after?" inquires Brigitte.
"We'll play with them a little."

No one argues. I look at Jimmy, knowing him less than the others, but he seems to be waiting on me. I start my list. As I go through it, people start writing. I do my own list, of course.

"Question one : do you have any nicknames?"

The list goes on, from questions about their family lives to jobs. As the list progresses, the questions get racier, involving more personal inquiries. I insist that everyone write something every question, even if it is 'I don't know' or 'I don't want to tell'. When I get to questions about sexual preferences and things they've done, I notice some hesitation on Jimmy's part. I wonder if that is a good or bad thing. It takes us about half an hour to complete it.

"All right, everyone keep your paper with you."

Jim provides drinks for everyone as we move to the living room.

"Here's how we're going to work. We have twenty questions, and there's six of us. Jim?"

Jim provides us with dice; a traditional one with six sides and another with twenty sides. It's obvious Jimmy and Brigitte have never seen one.

"Ya can roll, like twenty?

I retrieve the dice. I set up a chart, with our six names, in alphabetical order: Brad is 1, Brigitte is 2, James is 3, Jimmy is 4, I (Sarah) am 5 and Thomas is 6. When I write down Jim's full name, Jimmy looks at him funny.

"Yer name's James?

For some reason, this makes Jimmy laugh.


We let it slide for the moment. I roll the dice.

"Whoever's number comes up must answer the corresponding question. Then they get to roll. If someone gets the same question as before, say they already answered, they can just skip it. Got it?"

The dice have landed on 2 and 16. Brigitte has to tell us if she shaves. She does: her legs and her pussy. We start going around, getting everyone's answers.

Brad gets to tell us he'd like to have sex with me one more time. Thomas, getting to answer the same question, is hesitant when he talks about having sex with Jimmy - they both laugh about it to ease the tension. It's Brad's turn again: he confesses that a girl named Polly was his first crush, though he never acted on it. I pretend to be shocked. Jim tells us he has never done anything illegal.

"Except if you talk about downloading music."

Tom gets to confirm his sexual orientation as gay; Brigitte is somehow surprised. She turns to Jimmy.

"You know this?
"And you're okay with it? You're not...
"Lady, don't go there!"

He laughs it off, but I can see Thomas' uncertainty creeping up.

"Tom's cool. That's all a know."

Jim gets to answer next. He doesn't shave anywhere but his face, he says - and I know it to be true. Brad is asked to tell us about illegal stuff he's done. He seems contrite and apologetic when he talks about his multiple car accidents, since most were his fault.

"I'm just glad I never killed anyone.
"Amen to that! I answer."

I finally get a question. I have to tell them about the first time I had sex. I go all in, leaving no details out about my time with Rick, Mick and Jody. Brigitte is amazed.

"Your first time was an orgy?
"If you can call it that...
"You ate out a girl while a boy was fucking you, and his brother was wanking... that's an orgy in my book.
"Ever been in an orgy?" Thomas asks her.
"I wish!"

She laughs, but I think she is sincere. I'm incredibly turned on - I remember how she came on to me earlier in the day.

Jim then gets to answer the same question as me. He talks about his former girlfriend, Kim, how they fucked after discussing poetry and literature. I visualize them together. Why does it turn me on to see Jim with someone else?

Brigitte is asked about her sexual orientation.

"I am most assuredly bi!
"Which d'ya prefer?
"Boys. I like dicks inside me. But a girl's lick... hmmm..."

I picture myself for a moment licking her shaven pussy. I'm almost experiencing an orgasm from the thought. Jim's going to have some fun later on!

We finally get to a tamer question about where Thomas works. He's of course a personal trainer at the same college as Jim. I'm thinking the game might tone down, but the target is Jimmy and the question is one we've heard before.

"Who in the room would you like to have sex with?"

I feel the suspense building. Thomas is on edge; Jimmy is thinking.

"Only one person? Cause a'd fuck y'all..."

It relieves tension but he's not getting out of that one.

"In what order then? Who'd go first?
"Ya, baby doll... a'd ram you up good.
"Then Brigitte... she's got one fine one...
"And between the boys...?
"Tha's easy... my man Tom here..."

Jimmy pauses, looks at Tom, who looks back at him puzzled.

"I'ready sucked his cock."

Tom is stunned that Jimmy has the audacity to say it in public. I try to pretend like I don't know.

"Yuh... and he sucked mine too... thing is, I figure... he likes guys, so he know what ta do. How ta please a guy."

Jimmy is smiling at Tom. I can understand where Tom's confusion can come from. Jimmy's answer is far from satisfactory, but I let it drop.

We get to ask Brad about his nicknames. He's had a few. We used to call him Bradley (his full name but he hates it), Bradling, Braid. He says Brigitte calls him Puppy. Next, I go through the list of the jobs I've had. Brigitte tells us her favorite type of car is the Spyder. I have to agree it's a great car, but Jimmy doesn't like it, though he doesn't say why. I get asked about my first kiss with Claire at the schoolyard. Thomas says his favorite car is the Porsche Boxter; both he and Jimmy start talking about it, saying they met a fighter who owns one and they got to ride in it. They have so much in common; I can only pray Jimmy is at least bi, or able to see the light. James gets asked about his previous jobs: surprisingly, he says he's only had the one he currently holds.

"How did you pay for studies? Brad asks.
"Tuition. I got lucky. Well... I did work for my professor, but it was for bursaries.
"Well, work is work.
"I suppose."

We ask Brigitte how many boyfriends and girlfriends she's had. She looks up on her paper.

"In total, 17."

Even Brad is surprised. Brigitte explains.

"I've been with ten boys and seven girls. First one was a girl, though. I went to a catholic school; we... sort of experimented together. We both got kicked out because of it. I came back next year, she didn't...
"And the rest?"

Jimmy is obviously excited.

"When I finished high school, I was into partying a lot. Over the summer, I had a different partner almost every week. Girl... boy... didn't matter. Good times."

She laughs and we go along.

Jimmy gets the next question, a simple one, his favorite color. He says it's red; he can't really say why. He redirects to Brigitte and we get to know about her piercings. We've already seen the one in her belly button. She has several holes in her ears, and one on the side of the nose. She pulls out her tongue and we notice something there as well. She grins.

We get to hear Jimmy's nicknames.

"Back in th'day, called me Speedy. Coz a'm fast. Nowadays, call me Spick. 'Cept for Tommy here...
"Do you have a nickname for Jimmy, Tom?
"Not really."

I see Thomas staring into Jimmy's eyes. I know what he wants to call him.

Brigitte gets one question I've been aching to hear asked.

"What is your preferred sexual position?"
"That's a tricky one. I have two.
"That's cheating, says Jim.
"Let her finish, I say.
"Well... when I'm on top, I like standing up, braced against the wall... doesn't matter how it's being done by the guy or girl... and when I'm bottom, I'm on all fours, doggy style...
Right, puppy?"

Brad barks.

Jim's turn comes up; he gets asked about who in the room he would have sex with. We ask him to mention someone other than me. He surprises me with his answer, and I have to wonder how sincere he is about it, or if he's just entertaining us.


Thomas is pretty surprised too.

"Well, I figure may not sex... but at least a blowjob. I mean, from what Jimmy told us earlier..."

Now I understand what Jim is doing. I smile. His first answer would of course have been Brigitte, but he's doing what I asked him to do. I love him so!

Jimmy gets a personal question about his parents. He gets sullen and serious about it.

"Yeap... still t'gether... can't see why tho... dad's drunk all the time and mom's a... well... she ain't no good."

We sympathize with him and share some of our own bitter stories about our parents. Tom's resentment from his father comes up, and Jimmy seems to relate to it better than our other examples.

"M'dad thinks 'm a loser for boxin'... says ain't no future."

To keep from getting too depressed, we roll another question. I get to call out my favorite sexual position, and I find I can't decide. I enjoy them all. The others insist, so I think about the last weekends and all I've done with Jim. I look at Brigitte.

"I'd say doggy too... makes me feel... vulnerable a little."

By that time, it's already past 10pm. I realize Brigitte is looking at her watch. I decide to call it a night. Brigitte and Brad are the first to leave; apparently, she's got some work to do on him. I try not to imagine their games. Jimmy and Jim shake hands; Tom leaves with Jimmy because he has the car. We close the door and lock it.

"I'm so horny right now!"

I jump on Jim and drag him to the bedroom; we strip our clothes on the way there. I fall on the bed and he jumps on me, and we start having wild torrid sex right there. It doesn't last very long but it's very fulfilling. I feel Jim releasing into me and it feels so good. I've been aching for this for hours, since I kissed Brigitte in the bathroom stall. Jim collapes into my arms. We lie there for a moment.

"Sorry... that was a bit fast.
"Nah... It was perfect. Oh God... Jim..."

We kiss for a while, then he lies beside me. I lie on top of him, his now limp sex against my own that is still wet.

"I have to ask you something... about Brad and Brigitte.
"How far are you willing to let me go?
"How far?
"Brigitte wants to include me in her play with Brad, kinky stuff.
"Well, I don't mind you kissing her... but no sex. That's about it, I think.
"And what about Brad? Could he touch me?
"I'm not sure... well, some touch sure, but... nothing too open."

I pause to think about my affairs. Jim is staring intently at me. I finally manage to voice my concerns.

"I don't want a repeat of what happened with Jennifer. We need to know what I can do before I do anything."

Jim agrees with me. An idea pops into my head.

"Tomorrow night, we'll invite only Brad and Brigitte over... that will give time for Tom and Jimmy to hang out... maybe work out something. Hopefully.
"Okay. And Brad and Brigitte?
"I know what they're into. Remember... with Jennifer?
"When she had control?
"I do... it was... special.
"You're a dominant, Jim, that's why you weren't as comfortable. But Brad's a... well, a slave. And Brigitte and me, we're a bit of both. I have a suggestion for you.
"Go ahead.
"We... make them our slaves. Tomorrow night.
"They'll go for it?
"I know they will. Both of them. Brigitte is practically begging me to dominate her. I'd like you to dominate Brad... if you'd like to try?"

I stare at Jim.

"Depends... what would be involved?"

I smile. He's not entirely reluctant to the idea. We have some time to kill until tomorrow. I think I'm going to educate Jim on bondage and servitude. I'm not going to do it as forcefully as Jennifer did.

"How about I get you ready for it?
"Well, I've had experiences in bondage. What do you say we talk about it... in the shower?
"Sounds like a plan to me."

We get up and go to the shower. There, I'll be able to brief Jim on my plans for tomorrow night. I need communication; that's something we lacked when we tried stuff with Jennifer. There was too much innuendo. Things need to be in the open for Jim to feel safe and in control. I'm still learning from my mistakes, and this time I'm not going to screw this up.
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