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Old 11-07-2008, 08:13 PM   #14
getDare Succubus
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Default Part 13 - A Game of Threes IX [Jim]

I had recently come to an unsettling realization, in my quest to become more open with my relationship with Sarah. We'd each had a run-in with Jennifer, who was clearly into us both, and so we'd decided to experiment with our limits to see how we could live with Jennifer's presence in our midst. Two weekends ago, we'd submitted to some exercise in bondage with Jennifer. While the event had not been that nice for my part, I'd experienced my first sexual encounter with Sarah, while Sarah was pleasing Jennifer. I had been amazed that I had been able to cope with the event and not remain scarred by it.

Then, the previous weekend, in order to test a theory, I had set up a video shooting where Jennifer and Sarah, dressed as superheroines, had sex before me while in character. Sarah had been adamant that I allow things to go on. I had been afraid that I might panic and run off, but I had kept my cool during the entire event, as if the fact the girls were playing characters somehow made it acceptable. The experience had been enlightening.

There had been one element of surprise, and it had been Sarah's almost breakdown after Jennifer had made her orgasm with the strap-on dildo. I had felt Sarah's resistance break and she had insisted I make love to her.

The following day, we had talked about her reaction, back at my place. Jennifer was not there.

"Can you tell me how you felt?
"It's hard to describe, Jim. I wanted it to be you. When Jennifer was riding me... I wanted it to be you.
"Did you enjoy it?
"It was unbelievable. But, there was something missing.
"Yes! Jim, I love sex, I always have, but you weren't there, and somehow, despite the pleasure, despite the play... it felt hollow."

We'd pondered the implications for the entire week. We discussed the notion of casual sex, how it could be handled, since we were officially now trying to integrate Jennifer not only in our relationship but also in our sexual play. Since it was Sarah who would be in charge the following weekend, she would have time to reflect on what she wanted out of the three person relationship.

We made our way to the next Friday without incident and we met up with Jennifer on that night. Sarah had come up with her own activity for the weekend.

"Okay... here's the thing. We know now that Jim is comfortable with me being with you Jenn.
"In some contexts, I added.
"Yeah. And we know I'm all right with it, provided that Jim is around so I can share my... good fortune with him."

Jennifer looked at me. She seemed to know where Sarah was going, but at that moment, I was clueless.

"If this is going to work, we need to find out how far you two can be together."

I looked at Jennifer and wondered the same question. I had seen her orgasm at the hands of Sarah many times, once under my own manipulations. I wondered if I could actually have sex with her without affecting my outlook on Sarah.

"So here's what I propose. As of tonight, and until we decide to stop, we are... a trio. A couple with three partners."

I must have looked puzzled because Sarah turned to me to elaborate.

"Think of it as a first date between us and Jennifer."

That made a bit more sense. We would start to include her slowly in our relationship, and see how far we could go with it. And if things didn't work, well, we always had a fallback position.

"And our first order of business is going to the restaurant, and then going out for the night."

So we did. We went to a fancy restaurant, the kind of place you'd take a girl for a first date. We each paid for our own food, as modern dating etiquette entails. It was odd, because I already knew so much about Jennifer; I didn't think I would be able to learn much about her. But I actually did. She talked about her modeling, her work at the shelter, then her dream to become an actress. She said she had always fancied a three-way relationship, to which I blushed. Sarah talked about her goals to become a kindergarten teacher and the long process of getting there. I spoke about my desire to make professor, which would not happen until maybe six or seven years. By the end of supper, we had gotten pretty cozy.

We left the restaurant and headed for a local bar, somewhere we didn't usually go. There was lounge music playing, great cocktails. We danced a lot; it was strange and people must have noticed something, because I was dancing with Sarah, then with Jennifer, then Sarah danced with Jennifer. One guy eventually asked me if I was dating both. I had to answer yes. This apparently got me good reputation among the crowd, and for the rest of the evening, my drinks were free. I tried to moderate my consumption but I was pretty giddy by midnight. Jennifer and Sarah decided we should leave then, so we returned to my place. This being a 'first date', it was decided that it would be better if Jennifer went home (she was driving). We kissed her good night and she went off, while Sarah and I retreated to my apartment. I fell asleep almost instantly.

The next morning, I awoke to the smell of pancakes. I ate with Sarah, then I called Jennifer around noon to see if she wanted to go out this afternoon. She agreed and we met at a local amusement park. There, we hugged as we met and entered the park.

"I really had a great time last night.
"So did we."

Jennifer was really playing along with our idea of a first date and that somehow made me more comfortable with her presence and her overtures. I bought ice cream for both of the girls, and we walked along the promenade, enjoying the sights and the rides. We ended up walking together, all three of us holding hands. It drew quite a number of stares, but somehow it did not bother me, and it did not seem to bother Sarah or Jennifer.

Things got a little spicy when we sat down on the roller coaster ride. I was in the middle, with Sarah on one side and Jennifer on the other. As the cart started wheeling forward, Jennifer's hand landed on my lap. She unbuttoned my pants and unzipped me. I looked at her inquisitively. Sarah turned my head towards her and kissed me. Jennifer managed to wriggle my manhood out of the hole in front of my underwear while I was still kissing Sarah. I felt Jennifer's hand grab hold of my member, just as the rollercoaster started falling.

How Jennifer could work her way around me while we were twirling about at high velocity was beyond me, but the rush was unbelievable. I was screaming at the top of my lungs along with everyone else, the blood rushing into my shaft as Jennifer pumped. The ride seemed to last forever; just as I was about to release, the ride slowed down, returning to its original position. Jennifer hurriedly hid my manhood back into my underwear, and I buttoned it. I felt both ecstatic and queasy. We got off the ride and quickly darted back into the crowd, in case someone had noticed. My entire sex was on fire from the experience. Jennifer dragged me and Sarah towards the women's bathroom and told us to wait there. She went in, then rushed out and pulled me in. We moved into a stall; Jennifer asked Sarah to act as a lookout.

"What are you doing?"

Jennifer just told me to close my eyes and enjoy. I was a bit scared but I let her proceed. Jennifer removed her shorts and panties and hung them on the hook inside the door. She then sat on the bowl.

"Jenn, I'm not sure I want to...
"Be quiet, now. Don't worry about anything."

Her tone was convincing enough that I decided to let her proceed. She unbuttonned my pants and lowered them along with my underwear. I was still hard. She pulled her shirt above her breasts and I noticed she was not wearing any bra.

She slid my shaft between her large mounds and started kneading them. I noticed she slid one hand between her legs and started playing with herself. For a moment, I felt I should stop her - but that moment passed quickly. With her tongue, she licked the end of my shaft. I held back a moan. She whispered.

"Tell me when you're about to cum."

I tried to comply, but the excitation was getting the better of me. I was now assisting her in her endeavour, and I was enjoying every minute of it. It was easy to forget about Sarah on the other side of the stall door, far too easy I would realize later. I suddenly realized I was very near my climax. She slowed the pace down, then put het feet on the bowl and raised herself so her own sex was at the level of my own, her naked behind resting on the upper portion of the ceramic. She placed my hands under her armpits so I could support her; with one hand, she stimulated herself, with the other, she stimulated me.

It took me everything not to moan when I released onto her own sex, on her wet lips, and I saw my semen dribble down into the open bowl. She achieved orgasm a moment later, her moving hand mixing my juices with her own. As I leaned forward, my tip touched her sex. She held me at bay, for I would probably have slid into her, despite having already released and our precarious position. She looked at my shaft, then at her sex and smiled. We wiped ourselves quickly with the toilet paper, then I pulled up underwear and trousers, and she let me out.

It was there I saw Sarah, leaning against the counter. And that was the first moment of stress. She took me by the hand and led me out of the women's bathroom. A woman saw me exiting, but said nothing. We quickly moved some distance from there, just enough to still be seen by Jennifer when she would come out.

Sarah looked perplexed, and I was scared that I might have done something wrong.

"How was it?"

I did not know what to answer. The question felt like a trap.

"Did you fuck her?
"No... No, I didn't. Sarah, are you okay?
"I don't know, Jim."

I tried to hug Sarah but she wouldn't let me close. Her reaction was the opposite of the one she'd had the previous weekend, when after Jennifer had been with her she insisted I be with her as well. Now, she was pulling back. I was trying to make sense of her reaction, but maybe there was nothing to decipher.

"Sarah, talk to me.
"This is going too fast. Maybe.
"We can slow it down."

Remorse was creeping its way up my spine. Sarah's distance from me only made things creepier. Sarah finally managed to find words to express herself.

"I don't get why I should be jealous.
"It's normal.
"Not for me. I've never been jealous before.
"You grow, you change.
"I'm not sure I want to change. I'm happy you had fun, but I'm tormented it wasn't with me.
"All right. Well, we know how you feel here, so that's something, right?
"I suppose."

We saw Jennifer exiting the bathroom, looking for us. Sarah motioned to her. Before Jennifer reached us, Sarah recomposed herself and spoke discreetly to me.

"It has to be all three of us. That's all I know. I can share you, but only if I'm there. I don't understand it, but that's how it is. For now.
"I understand."

I finally managed to place a hand on her shoulder and pull her in. We kissed. Jennifer reached us. She obviously realized something was up with Sarah, but Sarah preempted any question.

"I'm fine."

Jennifer did not insist. Jennifer decided to call our date off. I invited them both to my apartment so I could cook something for them. While I was preparing the food, they sat in my living room. I barely heard their conversation, but it was clear it was about the day's events and our tentative relationship.

After supper, the girls washed the dishes. We talked about our evening plans and we decided to play strip poker. We set up the game and played several rounds. I was the first one naked, but Jennifer was not far behind me, with only her panties remaining. Sarah had been lucky, and had only lost her socks and top. Since I was naked, I started wagering myself in the mix. Sarah set the bet.

"If you lose, you have to give oral sex to the winner."

I agreed. Given the level of intimacy I'd experienced earlier with Jennifer, my reservations had flown out the window. We played the round. I won, so Sarah lost her pants and Jennifer her panties. The bet remained, only it now included if Jennifer lost.

We played another round. I was confident of a win with my two pairs, but Jennifer surprised me with a full house. Suddenly, the reality of the bet set in : I would have to perform oral sex on Jennifer. Sarah removed her panties, remaining only in her bra.

Jennifer told me to lie down on my back, so I did. She lowered her crotch onto my face. I stared at Sarah for a moment, but she gave me the go-ahead. I buried my face inside Jennifer's sex and started working her. I was unaccustomed to her taste, so I had a hard time getting started.

I suddenly felt lips around my own hardening shaft. Sarah was sucking on me. That gave me the incentive I needed and I started working hard on Jennifer. Within moments, she was moaning with pleasure. I had never imagined I was very good at oral sex, but apparently I was good enough for Jennifer. Sarah's mouth around my own shaft was an incredible turn-on.

Sarah pulled away and told Jennifer to turn around. She presented her behind to me as she sat back down. I went back to work. I felt two tongues start licking me. Jennifer and Sarah were kissing around my shaft, and it was driving me crazy.

Sarah pushed Jennifer back up and sat on me, sliding me into her, as I kept working on Jennifer. My mind was blank: a few weeks before, I would never have been able to even imagine such an event. Yet it was happening, and I seemed to be okay with it. Somewhere along the road, my limitations had been altered; my own morality had been diluted. At the moment, I was too engrossed in the event to think anything of it.

Sarah and Jennifer were kissing passionately, and it was all I could not to stare at their beautiful naked forms. Jennifer pushed down on my face and I resumed my stimulation of her, using my fingers along with my tongue and mouth. Her own orgasm rocked my own, and I released into Sarah. There was a loud moan or scream, I was not sure who was uttering it - maybe all of us - and then silence as the two girls collapsed on each other and on me.

For a long while, we remained there, letting the reality of our sexual encounter set in. Sarah pulled off of me while Jennifer slid sideways. Each took a side, Sarah on the right, Jennifer on the left, and we kissed. For a moment, everything was perfect, everything was in harmony; we were content in our three person relationship.

Then, Jennifer spoke.

"So, Jim... any chance I might get to feel you in my pussy?"

For some reason, her comment stirred something in me that shook me all over.

"No... No, I don't think that's going to happen, Jennifer. Sorry."

The bluntness of my answer took us all by surprise.

"It was great. It was unbelievable. Better than I'd ever fantasized. But... I don't think I'll be able to do it on a regular basis. I don't think..."

The words trailed off into silence.

"I see."

Jennifer's voice sounded sad. She got up.

"I think I should go.

Sarah got up too. I just laid there on my back.

"Jenn, you don't have to leave.
"I think I do, Sarah. I think... this is it. I don't think it gets better after this."

I was looking away so I could not see their faces. I could hear the resolution in Jennifer's voice and the deception in Sarah's. Something had snapped in me, and in return, I had snapped something in Jennifer. Our dream of a threesome was unraveling.

"It was fun, Jim."

Jennifer was getting dressed. I lost track of their conversation, lost in my own world, lost in my own inhibitions, unable to comprehend my reaction. Had I not just experienced every man's fantasy? Why was I reacting this way? Was it my morality returning, after taking a few weeks ofvacation?

I heard the door close, and then I heard Sarah heading for the bathroom. I just laid there, on my back, in my living room, taking in the world, unable to rise, move or do anything. I was lost, utterly and completely lost. My mind was telling me to go see Sarah and console her, but nothing was happening.

I was broken.

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