Thread: Dare: Person Above Diaper Dare
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Old 01-03-2011, 10:12 PM   #178
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5 hours before you start the dare take a laxative if you can get one, if not go get 2 bananas and stick them up your butt (peeled) just before you diaper yourself. Then roll a dice for how many hours you have to wear the diaper.
1:3 hours, 2:6 hours, 3:8 hours, 4:10 hours, 5:12 hours, 6ver night.
Then roll again for how many diapers you must wear during the dare.
1-3: 2 diapers, 4-6: 3 diapers.
Cut slits in every diaper so when you wet it soaks all of them.
Now roll again for what you have to do.
1-2: Every hour on the hour you have to wash your mouth out with soap for 1 minute
3-4: during the dare only drink warm milk, must drink at least a half gallon worth
5-6: suck your thumb the entire dare and everytime you remove your thumb from your mouth you must pull your diaper up tight against your butt, like a diaper wedgie. You can masturbate all you want but the diaper must stay on the full length of the dare

For my dare keep in mind Ive got the house to myself for 3 days starting weds. and I have diapers and laxatives.

Dislikes: Public, Painful
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