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Old 08-24-2019, 03:46 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by dimples View Post
Closing down all the loopholes, I see Well in that case I probably still couldn't agree to (4)...

Under the condition of (5), I might be able to agree to it...

Thank you for the good wishes and same goes to you! Heading back from vacation by today, so soonish more often active on GD again - hopefully, that is
Loopholes are fun, but answers are fun too.
I wish you a safe and smooth return trip.

Huh, the (5) is only slightly better than (4),
I imagine... just more subtle in evilness, a?

Well - as promised... meet more questions:
1. We have played with omnipotence about
the tourism fixes above: so let's play some
more. If you were omnipotent for 5 mins...
what would you do (you can't add time - in
five minutes you return to your usual self)?
Only five mins: to think on an answer here!
2. Re: the island question above - but what
I meant was limited to inanimate stuff. So?
3. Does fate exist? Karma (pop-definition)?
4. Is there any theory/'fact' you believed in
only to discover it's a myth? Not taking any
school learning/early childhood ignorance...
5. What (well-known) historical person you
like the most of all? Why did you choose it?
6. So, if you want to treat yourself to smth
tasty, will it be baked, chocolate - or what?
7. What is your favorite holiday - and why?
8. If someone discovered that he/she could
heal with a touch almost anything ... at the
cost of simply tiredness, in few minutes - &
yet chose not to use that power and keep it
secret (except for himself/herself & family -
if really needed)...what would you think, a?
9. The last night dream (you remember) is?
10. If you were obliged to invent and follow
one kinky rule for 1 month (& it would have
to make you feel subby), what would it be?

Sorry for that danger question,
that was pretty tactless of me.
:O ... Best wishes!
An often tired femdom teasing & denial
fan. ^^
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