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Old 08-19-2019, 06:42 AM   #52
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 44

Originally Posted by SasssySlavePuppy View Post
1) favorite brand of underwear
2) favorite style of swimsuit
3) outfit choice for a sexy date night
4) left or right side of the bed?
5) favorite music?
6) if you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?
Thank you very much for your questions! Currently being on vacation so my replies took a little longer till I found a slice of time where I can reply to them.

1) I don't have any favorite underwear brand to be honest. Not a big fan of brand clothing in general, I just buy what suits me, looks nice and is comfy without emptying my wallet.

2) I prefer wearing bikinis, that's actually pretty much the only swimsuit I usually wear. I think they're the perfect choice - comfy and still a somewhat sexy appearance.

3) Would just go to my wardrobe and put something together which looks elegant. Not a fan of going/heading for any skimpy/slutty outfits in general. Couldn't pin down on a specific choice though.

4) Sleeping on my right side usually in the right side of the bed. Don't ask me why - it's just most comfortable.

5) As previously said pretty much an allrounder - sometimes i love slow and calm music, sometimes like 80s/90s, sometimes EDM... I like most kinds of music a lot

6) Unsure... I'd either pick Hermione Granger or Max from Stranger Things. Both act in a fair and honest way, help other people, are pretty badass and yet manage to be sweet.
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