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Old 08-07-2019, 02:16 PM   #48
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 44

Originally Posted by MasterDaddy02 View Post
Here are some questions for you.

* What is the worst thing you have ever did to a boyfriend?
* What is your favorite color? Why?
* What is the oldest guy that you would sleep with? Why?
* What is your personality like?
* What is your temper like?
* Do you believe in giving second chances?
* How important is honesty to you?
* Would you sleep with an girlfriend boyfriend?
* What country would you like to visit?
* What is your slutty outfit?
* What will turn you off big time?
* What have you learned from GD so far?
* What dare scares you?
* What side of the bed do you sleep on?
* How long do you wait before sleeping with a guy?
* Do you believe in pleasing first or waiting until you have been please first?
" What is your favorite flower?
* Does personality comes before looks in a guy to you?
* How many one night stands have you done?
* The craziness place you have fucked a guy?
* The most elegant place where you fucked a guy?
* What is the worst thing you have ever did to a boyfriend?
Not really sure on which topic this is meant to be about - if sexually, the worst I did was some longer tease but obviously with a great finish, if relationship-wise... uuh, I couldn't tell. I haven't ever cheated on anyone, so apart from controversies which happen in every relationship I can't tell anything.

* What is your favorite color? Why?
I kinda like all of the bright colors, but if I had to pick one then I might go for green, just as I like the color and it kinda seems lively and nature-like.

* What is the oldest guy that you would sleep with? Why?
I am not really into one-night stands, so the oldest person I'd sleep with would probably also be my partner. So I can't really answer this question, but I think the age difference would have to be somewhat reasonable, like around 10 years max? Everything else seems a little weird to me, but I guess if you really fall in love with someone, thoughts about that might change anyways

* What is your personality like?
Cheerful, friendly, sociable and always happy to help someone in need, be it to just spend some time with him/her, to listen or just for giving out some advice. I care a lot about my colleagues and friends.

* What is your temper like?
I'm rarely in a bad mood and very patient. You have to really f*ck up to get me angry, but when you get to that point (which is not easy at all, but don't see that as a challenge now), then you should rather run. =p

* Do you believe in giving second chances?
I do believe in giving second chances, however if someone would hurt me incredibly much in a really unforgiving way, I would not give that person a second chance. Otherwise than that I do not like to repeat a mistake a person made over and over - I rather give them a second chance and move on from there.

* How important is honesty to you?
Can't state enough how important honesty is. Even if you seriously screw up, there's a good chance I might forgive you. But if you don't approach me honestly and even lie to me, your chances are pretty low.

* Would you sleep with an girlfriend boyfriend?
I assume you mean sleeping with the boyfriend of a good friend of mine? If so, no I wouldn't do that, for one I don't like cheating and on the other hand, I don't want to hurt my friends emotionally.

* What country would you like to visit?
I would be really interested in visiting New Zealand, Australia and/or Japan one day. They all seem like really interesting places to be, there is a lot to discover and in terms of Japan I'd be interested about their different culture and everything. I like travelling in general and went to many places, but not at any of these three so far.

* What is your slutty outfit?
Gotta be honest that I don't own any super slutty outfits by myself. I could dress some shorter skirts or a slightly revealing top, but I don't own any super slutty outfits. In my real life I'm not seen as a ... kinkster or however people on here call themselves at all.

* What will turn you off big time?
Place a spider nearby me and I'll scream at the top of my lungs without any further kinky thoughts. :b Okay, slightly over-exaggerated maybe, but I haaaaaaate them so much.

* What have you learned from GD so far?
That so many different kinks exist and there's a lot to learn and chat about. I was first a little worried about only being approached by creeps, but I can tell that I am having a mostly pleasant experience on her.

* What dare scares you?
Haven't had a scary dare yet - or well, let me rephrase, I did get some absolutely extreme and nearly impossible dares, but I wouldn't do them in the first place.

* What side of the bed do you sleep on?
I like sleeping on the right side of the bed on my right side.

* How long do you wait before sleeping with a guy?
Would say it that's fairly individual / depends on the guy, once both feel comfortable I don't see a reason at artificially extending any delays. But definitely not on the first date, I don't think it's the best foundation for a reasonable relationship, at least in my opinion.

* Do you believe in pleasing first or waiting until you have been please first?
This probably is part of my submissive side but I would definitely please first, even when not asked to do so. It makes me happy when I can please someone, so... win-win situation I guess

" What is your favorite flower?
Aside from roses which are pretty but fairly 0815, I also really like tulips.

* Does personality comes before looks in a guy to you?
Yes. I don't need to have Mr. Perfect in terms of looks if he turns out to be a lying dick - excuse my language. Sure, looks also matter to people, I won't deny that, but personality is very important to me.

* How many one night stands have you done?
Two in my whole life, I guess that's a reasonably low number for my age.

* The craziness place you have fucked a guy?
As I've been mostly vanilla before I got into any kinks, there isn't any interesting answer to give here. I did do it with ex partners at various places inside or some slight tease in public with one ex (which involved the remote vibe), but didn't get to any actual fucking at a crazy place.

* The most elegant place where you fucked a guy?
My lovely bed? It's a silly reply, I know and feel free to blame me, but I can't think of any super noble and elegant places.

Thank you for all those questions!
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