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Old 08-06-2019, 01:21 PM   #43
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 44

Originally Posted by wewhoare View Post
Hello, bright stranger person. ^^
1. Do you tolerate more too hot or too cold?
2. What about light ice play? Irritants burn?
3. What do you think of fanfiction as a thing?
4. Can you imagine a situation light 'domme' will be likable to you?
5. Re: Harry Potter, in before: do you follow the Grindelwald films?
Hi to you as well! Here are my answers to your questions:

1. While I definitely prefer the summer, I would say that I can better deal with it being very cold outside than having to suffer through temperatures which made me think I'm about to melt. (e.g. the heatwave a few weeks ago)

2. Light ice play is definitely interesting, although I haven't experimented much around it. I'm not fully sure about what your second question means, did you want to ask about using things like toothpaste which will end up in a burning sensation? If so, not too much experience with that either, but also intriguing in some kinky way.

3. Never read any fan fiction, so I really can not judge it. I also like reading in general though, including some erotic stories here and there, so... not really interested myself, but I guess I can understand others which like doing so.

4. Can't really come up with something as of today, I'm definitely far on the submissive side and not really interesting in domming someone. Maybe I will try it some day, but we will see.

5. No, I didn't follow them at all so far, neither heard much about them. Are they worth looking at / following? Feel free to drop me a PM if you think so.
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