Thread: Dare: Person Above AB/DL Dare
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Old 12-29-2010, 08:26 AM   #88
diapered slave
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Posts: 515

take a shower first thing in the morning and then dry yourself off
now go out and get or buy three chocklate yougourts or mouses and five bottles of baby food
one box of baby milk formula and one baby bottle (if you dont already have one)
now pour the yogourts or mouses all into the back of one diaper and put it on, then put another diaper over it and go about your day, at least ten hours or if you can manage it until you go to sleep
but through out the day you can only eat the baby food and drink the baby milk, that you have to make with warm water and the baby powder, have fun

extra: if you get hungry and cannot stand the baby food anymore, at the end of the day you can take the diaper off and eat the mushy mouse or yogourt, yum yum
Sorry to get serious but I don't use this site anymore I only lurk occasionally thanks to people at work finding out I don't do a lot of anything anymore, I'm not a bad person, I'm way past kinky but I'm not a bad person and now thanxs to some nameless people I hate myself and I have a collection of scares, please don't p.m me or reply to my threads thank you
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