Thread: Exposure raffle
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Old 07-06-2019, 06:24 AM   #839
aus guy
getDare Sweetheart
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Default New round!

New round of the Exposure Raffle has started for June 2019!

This round the theme is "spanked red" - if you include at least one photo with an appropriate body part red from spanking, you will receive a 4-ticket reduction.

The theme will change each week, but the 4-ticket reduction will stay the same.

A list of the entries will be kept up to date at

Players enter by submitting one or more nude pictures, and all entrants go into a raffle. In a months time, a random dice roller will be used to select one person for exposure. Everyone else is safe, just a single person will be privately exposed to the other raffle entrants, with their nude picture(s) emailed to the other participants of the raffle. Every participant in the raffle will be BCC'ed, so no one will know your email address.

To make it more fun, entrants can choose their level of risk. The more risky photos you submit, the less chance you have of being exposed. However, if your number is picked, all your pics will be sent to the other raffle entrants.

Female entrants can choose to be completely anonymous. Let me know at the time of entry, and your getdare username will not be associated with your entry in the raffle.

At least one naked picture is required for you to enter, showing at least from knee's to shoulders. Face is optional.

If you complete all the tasks, you only get 1 ticket. If you only complete the minimum photo, you will receive 30 tickets.

If you include your full face in at least half of the pictures, your total ticket allocation will be halved.

For each of the following items you complete, you will reduce the number of tickets you have:
2 tickets: At least knee's to shoulder from behind.
2 tickets: Sitting down with your legs spread wide, showing from at least knee's to shoulder.
4 tickets: Dildo in your ass.
4 tickets: Naked outside.
2 tickets: Naked holding up a sign with your getdare username.
4 tickets: Have your pictures & info exposed on Kinktalk for 2 weeks, instead of emailed to all participants
2 tickets: Include your first name.
4 tickets: Include your home town.
4 tickets: Complete the theme!

I will select the random number using or similar, and will advertise the link here prior to the roll occurring, so anyone can watch it in real time to ensure there is no cheating.

We are also going to including an additional bonus round. As well as the normal draw that is based on the number of pics/info provided, those who enter the bonus round will be given 1 ticket in the bonus draw. That means equal chance of exposure. You don't get any ticket reduction for entering the bonus round, but your entry will be noted in column AB of the spreadsheet

Note - Kinktalk have recently updated their around posting photos, which must be followed. If you choose to risk kinktalk exposure, you MUST follow the rules set at

To enter, simply PM me a picture linked from or similar, and be sure to include your email address in the PM.

Good luck!
Interested in the thought of being exposed, but too nervous? Try the Exposure Raffle!
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