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Old 04-25-2019, 12:29 PM   #4274
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Originally Posted by Emmyred View Post
Good morning, boys. I LOVE reading reports. It is my favorite part of this thread, and therefore, I appreciate when you boys take the time to tell us all about your aching balls.

Today, you are going to be rewarded for the thoroughness of your most recent report. You are going to give yourself 500-wordcount hits with a fruit in a sock. If you do not have a fruit, you can instead use a full water bottle in a sock, or a rock in a sock.


Well, I still don't have an apple or orange, so it looks like it's a water bottle for me D: I'm kinda scared of this one tbh D: I'll definitely be writing more thorough reports in the future though lol. So just in case it would be hard to stand for all of it, I decided to lay down for this one and do these busts with my balls resting on my legs (which means they have no where to escape). These for very thuddy, and about as hard as I expected, though not quite as focused of an impact as a fruit or ball. I did these in sets of 40, taking a breather in between, and doing an edge in between (denial be like that sometimes). I went ahead and did the last 66 straight through, which left me moaning at the end, with some pretty red/sore balls. Just what I needed for the next task

Originally Posted by Emmyred View Post
So, today is Easter, so you get to open an easter egg!

Choose the egg that you want and read the spoiler!

Blue Egg:
Blue egg sounds like you're searching for blue balls! Edge once, 25 punches to your balls. Repeat 10 times!

Green Egg:
Feeling sick to your stomach? Find a very thuddy implement. You are going to give yourself 25 full strength hits with this implement. You can space them out as necessary. If you don't feel a groan in your stomach, you didn't hit hard enough.

Let's see, I think you said I should pick blue1 and green, so I'll go ahead and do that. OOh, I get edges and thuddy hits! Thanks, Emmy!! Hope you had a happy Easter (:

Not the easiest busts though xD I'll start with the green egg. For this one i chose to use a boot to hit myself with. I would have chosen the handle of a hammer, but idk about hitting *that* hard with it D: To do these properly, I tied my balls, and stood with my legs apart and simulated a kick as hard as I could. My legs were shaking for most of this. I decided to switch to toe kicks for the last few too, which was a mistake :'( Those hurt waaay worse. My nuts are really in pain from that one. Thank you, Emmy

After that I still had to do the blue egg. Just to clarify the wording: if I do something, and then repeat it say twice, I've actually done it three times total right? I'll assume that's how you meant it for this one. These were torture of a different kind, but still fun to do (: I went ahead and watched some ballbusting porn as I did these. It was honestly kinda fun busting to a video, but these left me really horny.

Originally Posted by Emmyred View Post
Good morning!

For today, I need you to gather 10 implements and a d6. Bunnies can use a d12 instead of doubling. Order your implements from favorite to least favorite.

For each round, do 1d6 x 10 hits with the implement at the hardness listed in the spoiler. Don't read the spoilers ahead!

BUT WAIT! There is a small prize at stake. Because this task has the potential to give you more than my allotted 500 hits, if you reach 500 (1000 for bunnies), you can stop immediately AND receive a free pass to use on a future post.

If you are really trying to get that free pass, I will allow you to reroll and 1's you roll. If you really REALLY want the pass, you can reroll 1's and 2's IF you tie your balls before beginning.

Good Luck!

Implement #1
Nice, medium hits

Implement #2
Gentle taps

Implement #3
Quick, hard smacks

Implement #4
Medium-hard hits

Implement #5
Very slow, Very hard hits

Implement #6
Go as fast as you can!

Implement #7
Start light but get progressively harder

Implement #8
Medium-hard hits

Implement #9
Full-strength, as hard as you can

Implement #10
Surprise! If you rolled 5-6 on this round, you get light hits. 3-4= medium hits, 1-2=light hits

So I'm hoping to get that free pass, cus I have a feeling my nuts might need it by the time i get out of here xD. So I went ahead and tied my nuts before I started.

For the first round I rolled a 3, and my implement was my boot. I went ahead and rested my balls on my legs and did toe kicks for these. My balls were pretty sore at this point, so that hurt a good bit.

For the 2nd round I rolled a 6, and my implement was a tv remote. Thanks for this round! I was pretty scared after I rolled that 6. I have I feeling I'm gunna have to make up for it later though lol

For the next round I chose a hairbrush and rolled a 5. Really hoping these aren't too bad... shit.. okay, here goes!
If you couldn't have guessed, those hurt a lot :'( My nuts are bright red and in pain well after the hits have been completed... on to the next round

For round 4 I chose the handle of a hammer (placed in a soc to make it a lil safer). I should have picked a different one though D: I rolled a 6. I decided to just do these in one go instead of letting them drag on. My nuts are so sore after that though, omg. Okay, on to the next round lol.

For round 5 I chose a bottle of shampoo. I originally got a 2, but since I tied my balls at the start I got to reroll it and ended up with a 4 instead. I'm glad I picked the implement I did after checking the spoiler. Oh jeez. Picking the heavyish bottle of shampoo for this one was not as lucky as I thought actually. I was originally trying to go straight through all 40 here, but I had to stop at around 20 for a break. I finished up the other 20 back to back as well, and then had to hold my balls a little bit before the next round. This one was really mean

For the 6th round I chose to use a full water bottle, and rolled a 2, and then rerolled to get a 5. This round took a good bit of will-power to get through, but it was over pretty quickly. My hands are shaking a tad as I type this atm. More than half way done though!

For round I chose a toothbrush (I'm running out of implements xD). I rolled a 3 for this round. The first half wasn't bad, but man did those last 5 hurt. My balls are a bit swollen at this point, and quite red. On to round 8!

For this round I chose a tennis ball in a sock, and rolled a 5 D: The directions for this round could have turned out worse, but this is still going to be a bit rough. Omg, okay, so that was more than a little rough. I just did all 50 straight. This left me rolling around moaning and holding my nuts for a good 30 seconds after. This day's task was quite mean, Miss Emmy <3

For the 9th round I chose a ruler, and rolled a 2 which rerolled to a 4. I'm pretty sure that the metal side of the ruler could cut my balls if I did these with it, so I tried just using the cork side, and I'll be completely honest: I cannot take hits from a ruler as hard as I can, it seriously just hurts too badly and leaves welts. I went ahead and switched out to my last implement instead for this round, which was the handle of my electric razor. My nuts are really hurting after that round :'(

For the last round I rolled a 1, which rerolled to a 5. Omg, I'm so happy! I was really scared of this last round lol. So I went ahead and did those 50 with my ruler, and then untied my sore ass nuts.

Thanks for the devilish task, Emmy! Almost caught up!
likes: pain, ballbusting, tease & denial
turn me on but suck: extreme pain, longer term denial, public
limits:illegal, scat, pee, social suicide, anal, feminization, messy, skype/facetime/ect.

PM Dares:
Message me Silly Boy and I'll bust my balls 25 times hard
Message me tease and I'll edge 4 times
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