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Old 04-21-2019, 10:01 PM   #22
Distinguished Member
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Default Lets get some more out of you

What was your fav anal experience?

Ever did a2m?
^-If so how did you feel about it?
^-If no what are your thoughts about it?

What size plug(s) do you own and which is your fav and why?

If you could travel anywhere in the world rn where would you go?
^-Assuming you had the funds to do it rn would you go there now?
^-How about if you were only allowed to do it while wearing a metal plug that you had to claim whenever you walked through a metal detector?
^-If yes what would your excuse be? 0.o
Loves: tits, I mean gosh! They're just so wonderful

Likes: can jive w/pretty much anything if I'm in the mood

Limits: permanent

PM me: Your thoughts on tits, tit bondage, and tit related dares. Kinda racking my head around why ppl like caning them but not against the idea. If you have an inkling why lemme know.
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