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Old 04-19-2019, 06:17 PM   #72
getDare Devil
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Originally Posted by MasterDaddy02 View Post
Okay here are some more interesting questions for you.
Thank you for the questions
1. How important is a challenge for you?
A challenge? I think it depends of what sort you mean. If it is a challenge of the mental sort, like an equation or a problem to figure out. I enjoy it. If it’s a challenge of a physical sort I like that as well. If it’s a challenge where I end up pushing myself for something, as long as I believe ill come out all the better for it on the other side, than a challenge is really important to me. As long as there is a reason for the challenge, and not just some impossible mindless challenge that I will end up stressing over because there is no point or because I can’t achieve I, then I enjoy a challenge. I think pushing yourself is good, even if you’re not comfortable with it at first, I believe that most of the time, that you end up better for it.
2. What do you hope to reach by next year at this time?
Oh, um well im not sure. I have short term and long term goals, but none that would be accomplished in the next year I don’t think.
3. How important is it for you to please everyone around you?

3. How important is it for you to please everyone around you?
This is really important to me. I’m always trying to make others happy. Maybe even a bit too much sometimes. But I always try to make others happy or smile or even laugh if I can.
4. What is one turnoff that you will not put up with?
Uncleanliness. I don’t mind a guy looking a little gruff or unshaven but if they smell like they have just been dragged through the sewer and their breath and appearance matches, then no I won’t put up with that.
5. What is your favorite color? Why?
Hunter green. I’m not sure why. I like the smoothness of it. If a color can be smooth? That and it looks really good on me. But it also reminds me of the forest after a rain storm. Calm and smooth. Still and tranquil.
6. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Well my beds against a wall so I sleep on the side closest to the wall. So the right side. I like the feeling of being of being protected. Like on one side I know nothing can come at me. Likes it’s a little bit of safety, being enclosed. Yikes that makes me sound paranoid. Lol.
7. How important is honesty to you? Explain?
Honesty is very important to me. I understand you may not be able to be completely honest sometimes or that you might tell a little white lie to protect someone. But honesty is the foundation of trust. If someone didn’t like something I was doing within a relationship, I would want to know, because how am I supposed to know or change it if I don’t realize that im doing it or its disliked? Or if someone had bad news to give me I want to know immediately. Slap me first, kiss me later. Give me the bad first than make up for it later is what I mean. Or if I look terrible in something id rather someone tell me. Better that than everyone else seeing it. In other words, I want the truth, big or small, good or bad.
8. What is the importance of no one knowing you have a kinky side?
Well, im very shy when it comes to things like this, though I am slowly getting a tiny bit better with that. But I wouldn’t exactly go and shout it from the roof tops.
9. Did you dress like a slut before finding the GetDare site?
No. And I still don’t. I have very few really revealing clothes and I don’t exactly feel completely comfortable in them.
10. Do you ever see yourself having a real life session in person with a Master?
maybe someday
11. What age would be the oldest guy you fuck?
Um I’m not sure. Depends what age I was at the time. But um as long as I liked them, and they could um, you know, get it up, then….
12. What is your personality like in person?
I’m kind of shy, but I love meeting new people, even if the process of doing so scares me. I’m more of a realist but can be an optimist. I think a lot though some of the things I say I’m just like where the heck did that come from. I keep a lot to myself. I have try to be pretty social though
13. Would you ever fuck a guy for money?
Uh, I want to say no. but hypothetically, say if someone I loved was on their death bed or starving and it was a way I could get the money to save them, then yes. But willingly no, it would make me feel very cheap.
14. Would you lie in order to get something from someone?
Depends what it is, typically no.

21/Straight Female/ Sub

Still Exploring my Likes/ Dislikes/ Limits
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