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Old 12-03-2007, 11:12 PM   #25
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 23

I have critiques for Admireu and ManicD...

ManicD, this is how you critique a story... Grab a pen and pencil, you might want to take notes... Admireu, I think you have a great idea here. Theres alot you can do with it, but i have to partially agree with Manic. Dont take his the wrong way, because I want you to continue writing your story. after all how else will you get better? As far as the invisibility idea goes, like i said before its a good one, but its been done before. As a writer its your job to give this idea a certain twist, spice it up a little! Maybe his new found powers fade every now and then, revealing himself to a select few, who could have taken pictures. Suddenly these new characters have leverage, causing the invisible boy to do thier bidding... My point is, that every good story as a twist, something to hook the reader. Feel free to explore new ideas and try writing things you normally wouldnt write about. Hehe I'll bet you'll find new things out about yourself. And as for your characters, I also agree with manic that they need more depth. When I'm first starting a new story, I like to take my characters for a walk in the park. Its just a fun little exercise to help figure out how character thinks and acts. What would he see on this walk? What would he do? Lets say he comes across a crying child, how would the invisible boy react to this situation? After you think about all this, you suddenly have something more to work with. It makes writing good scenes so much easier. Any ways I'll end my senseless rant with this... The art of story telling is not easy, and the fact that you had the guts to post one of your stories on a public forum, well only makes me... Admireu more. keep up the good work man, and good luck with future stories
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