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Old 04-15-2019, 01:33 PM   #4217
Getdare’s Ginger Goddess
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Good afternoon, gentlemen.

Today, you are all going to do 500 busts in sets of 50, increasing in strength each set. So your first set will be light taps. Your second set will be harder, and every set after that will get tougher. As checkpoints:
Set 1= very light
Set 3=medium
Set 5=medium hard
Set 7=hard
Set 9= very very hard
Set 10= full strength

To choose your implement, roll a D6:
2- hand
3- fist
5- player’s choice (must still be painful)
6-wooden spoon

Roll a d6 once before beginning to determine what the breaks in between your hits will entail of:
1- take as long as you like between sets, but no rubbing
2- between each set, edge once
3- you get exactly 60 seconds of break between sets
4- dunk your balls in ice water after each set. Do not dry off
5- between each set, squeeze your balls HARD for 30 seconds. Once you let go, you must immediately begin the next set
6- No breaks for you. Set a metronome at 80 bpm and a timer for 6:15. Continue hitting harder on each beat until the timer sounds. For each click you miss, add a hard hit with a spoon after your time is complete.

Oh, and be aggressive- because you are desperate to test yourself- add hot sauce, tiger balm, or capsacian after 250 hits.
Female/In a switch marriage with a fantastic man whom I love, Stress.
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