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Old 04-13-2019, 12:25 PM   #7
Kiny sarah
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Originally Posted by Bloxo View Post
Kinky Sarah...

For this dare you will wear a one piece swimsuit

In terms of substances you will need: 2 cans of baked beans, a cartoon of custard/pudding (something yellow), a cake (something creamy), some tomato soup, Mayonnaise and mustard

You are to do this in the garden:

You are to have a bit of a workout...

To start you will empty one can of beans down the front of your suit, a can of beans down the back - Proceed to do roll on the floor from front to back 5 times

Next pour the Custard onto a paper plate or shallow bowl, and proceed to do 5 press ups, each time dipping your face into the mess

Next either put the cake onto a raised surface and do 5 squats, each time you go down you should sit into the cake

The mustard I am hoping is in a squeezy bottle, do 5 star jumps, each time you raise your arms above your head you are to do a big squeeze of the bottle over your head

Finally, add the soup to the inside of your suit (down the front), pour the mayonnaise over your head and jog on the spot for 30 seconds

Good luck and looking forward to the report :P
I did this dare today and had lots of fun doing it. I got a little paddling pool to do this. I started by pouring a can or beans down the front and one down the back of my swimsuit which made me squirm in place and a little of the source fell out of the bottom. Next I lay down and started to roll back and fourth which squished all of the beans and pushed a little out of the openings. Next I poured a whole carton of custard on the bowl and started the press ups pushing my face to the bottom everytime I went down coating my face and my hair and meaning that I had to wipe my eyes once I had finished. For the squats I put the cake (lots of chocolate icing) onto a little stall and proceeded to squat onto the cake squashing it more and more each time and covering my ass in a thick layer of icing. I then moved it to the side for later while I did the star jumps. I did use a squeezey bottle for this but I ended up squeezing most of it out over my head on the first jump and getting less and less out of it each time. As it washed down my face I pulled the front out to catch it into my swimsuit. I finished by pouring 2 cans of tomato soup into the swimsuit most of which poured out as I gave the suit a little squish against my body followed by the mayonnaise. I then jogged on the spot which caused a lot more of the soup, beans and mayonnaise to fall out. After I had finished I was a bit worn out so I decided to have a snack. I put the remainder of the cake into the pool and sank my face into it and ate as much as I could. When I’d had my fill I lay in the mess for 5 minutes before grabbing the hose and hosing myself down.
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