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Old 04-09-2019, 12:38 PM   #36
getDare Succubus
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Thanks for the questions

140. Of the clothing you own, describe your hottest outfit?
It's not really an outfit, but I have a halterneck babydoll that makes my boobs look amazing so that's always been a favourite of mine. As for regular clothes, I suppose my hottest outfit is probably a clubbing dress that I've not actually worn out yet. It's bright pink, with a short, flared skirt and a big cutout over the chest so it shows a lot of cleavage (seeing a pattern?) and I think it looks great

141. What is the hottest thing anyone has ever said to you? (If not the hottest, something that comes to mind)
Something like "stop moaning so loud or the whole street will hear what a slut you are" or a partner commenting on how wet I am when they've barely even started... being told to be quiet or having a hand over my mouth really does it for me (much as I like being loud) and being teased in a sort of mocking way is another big turn on for me. Also, it's not something that was said to me, but I read on someone's tumblr that her dom said to her "your face is so pretty I want to make a mess of it" and I found that super hot.

ama / discord / likes & limits

not looking to play with anyone

likes: dad jokes, pretty people, vodka.
dislikes: granny panties, sloths, tea.

however much you use me baby come on use me more

Last edited by Siren; 04-09-2019 at 12:42 PM.
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