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Old 03-21-2019, 01:04 PM   #15
A Butterfly Princess <3
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Originally Posted by Jaro View Post
Does the idea of being a kink instructor appeal to you? If so, in what way would you/could you be a kink instructor?
I think I would have a lot of fun doing something like that, however I have major stage fright and don't like talking in front of people. If I were to teach a class I think it would be about communication and negotiating, safety or anal for beginners.

What 3 things should anybody new to the bdsm lifestyle in general know?
1. Be careful who you trust.
2. Research is your friend. Porn is not realistic.
3. Subs have a voice and do not need to let others walk over them just because they are submissive.

What 3 things would you advice someone to try out first (someone who never tried anything kinky before)?
This one is hard. It really depends on the person. I would start with some basics like rules in general. Even if it is just something vanilla. That is a great way to start a control dynamic. Another would be introducing toys or costumes. If a person is completely vanilla, they may not have experienced even a vibrator, but if they have done that, I would suggest a small plug or some nipple clamps or a crop to try with themselves or a partner. And the third thing I would suggest is to watch kinky porn. It will help with finding the things that appeal to you which can then help you form a plan for trying new things.

What is the most amount of pain you think you could deliver to somebody, given that the person receiving has no limits on the amount?
Hmm ... I think I would have a hard time once marks are starting to form. Blood would be my absolute limit and I think that would make me feel terrible. Pain like making somebody hold a squat until they cry would be no problem.

Can you name 3 of your own 'limbo's', with some arguments as to they they are limbos?
This might be the hardest question yet .... I don't know if I have any limbo's.
Maybe tickling? I hate being tickled, but also there is an appeal to it. The loss of control, especially when tied up ...
or another that comes to mind is enemas. I really don't enjoy the sensation, but the vulnerability and uncomfortableness make me squirmy
and lastly I will go with electricity. Some of it I like the sensation of,but others scare the shit out of me, but the fear also turns me on ...
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