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Old 03-10-2019, 04:16 AM   #89
The toe sucking anal slut
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Originally Posted by Butterfly View Post
What’s something that people think makes them look cool, but actually has the opposite effect?
Sunglasses. Wear them if you need to block the sun but not for any other reason please. Just my personal opinion of course, but I don't think they look cool at all.

What’s the oldest thing you own?
I was temped to say my penis, but I assume you mean an inanimate object and besides I do not own it now do I?
So for inanimate I have an antique very old and very unique piece of furniture which is a family heirloom. I can show you a picture in private if you like.

What has someone borrowed but never given back?
A book about some IT stuff. It was a pretty useless book so I don't really mind, but I have missed it once or twice.

Where is the best place you’ve been for taking walks?
A Latin American country. Or did you mean around home?

What from the present will withstand the test of time?
Now that's almost a philosophical question really. I would say time itself because everything else eventually ends.
But assuming you mean something tangible that's modern? Hm... maybe the Internet? I am sure that is here to stay although I do predict it will vastly change within our lifetime.

Who in your life is the worst at using technology?
My granddad.

What’s the weirdest conversation you’ve eavesdropped on?
This question is too hard. My memory is bad already but I really can't remember such a detailed thing. Probably nothing particularly noteworthy or else I might have remembered.

What just around the corner tech are you eager to get your hands on?
This might seem paradoxical since IT is my profession, but tbh I have been becoming less and less interested about technology. Something that I really do hope we (although not me personally) we will get some time soon is Nuclear Fusion. Experiments are being done with that in the south of France for years now. It's not just around the corner but maybe still in my life time. It will solve all of our energy problems and a lot of our pollution problems with almost none of the negative side effect that Nuclear Fission gives.

What was the darkest movie you’ve ever seen?
Hostel. It's about a group of friends who get tortured like you wouldn't believe. All shown in all gruesome detail. I am not easily shocked but this was just so bad... I don't know how I was even able to watch it until the end.

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Princess Butterfly

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