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Old 03-07-2019, 07:36 AM   #34
getDare Sweetheart
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Originally Posted by Butterfly View Post
What’s the most annoying animal you’ve encountered?

What’s your best example of correlation not equaling causation?

In what situations, do you wish you could throw down a smoke bomb and disappear?

When was the last time you were hopelessly lost?

What songs do you feel compelled to sing along with when you hear them, even if you don’t totally know all the words?

What product do you wish a company would make a “smart” version of?

What two films would you like to combine into one?

As a child, what did you think would be awesome about being an adult, but isn’t as awesome as you thought it would be?

When’s censorship warranted?

What’s the most boring super hero you can come up with?

What would be some of the downsides of certain superpowers?

What word is a lot of fun to say?

What current trend do you hope will go on for a long time?

What actors or actresses can’t play a different character because they played their most famous character too well?

Where’s your go to restaurant for amazing food?

What’s something that all your friends agree on?

What’s your best story from a wedding?
1) Hmm quite a few, but the most annoying I would say is the Butterfly.

2) That the number of deaths increases in tandem with the amount of ice cream sold. Ice cream does not equal deaths, it's that the weather brings more people out causing both to increase.

3) When you do a number two somewhere that isn't your home and the darn thing wont flush.

4) Answering question 2.

5) YMCA, The Macarena and Bille Jean.

6) The smart suitcase with pinpoint GPS so you could time that carousel thing perfectly, lower your anxiety by knowing it's definitely on the same flight as you and being able to tell the airline where it is when they lose it.

7) Two flims to combine would be 50 Shades and Hit Man.

8) Eating whatever I wanted when I wanted. Turns out you need a lot of discipline.

9) Censorship is only warranted to protect children or the vulnerable.

10) Statistic Stan! Fighting crime using graphs and pie charts to assign law enforcement at peak crime times.

11) The downside to all superpowers is that you would be looked down upon for using them for your own selfish needs.

12) Knickerbocker Glory (I know it's two words shh).

13) Pulled Pork.

14) Rowan Atkinson will always be Mr Bean... and anyone of the main six from Friends.

15) A lovely Italian where I used to live. Food was immensely good and knew the owner by name so always got impeccable service.

16) All my friends agree that I'm the funny one.

17) There were some great stories from the wedding that had the free bar, but I just can't remember.

Thanks for the questions
Dominant | Male | 39 | Straight | United Kingdom

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